night on the town | Teen Ink

night on the town

August 1, 2010
By chocolatkiss1013 SILVER, New York, New York
chocolatkiss1013 SILVER, New York, New York
9 articles 0 photos 10 comments

Favorite Quote:
But paradise is locked and bolted, we must make a journey around the world to see if a backdoor has perhaps been left open

It's mid january, the snow is no longer beautiful and graceful, or even white. The snow is now slush huddled in the corners of the streets with different shades of brown,yellow,and smudges of black. It was disgusting and the cold air wasn't like a soft breeze, It was a painful shard piercing my body at every opening. The night before I had spent the night in front of a church huddled up in a corner. That night the weather was harsh, the night sky didn't look dreamy like usual, yesterday night it looked like a void sucking up all the stars. It was a clear night at least but that didn't change the fact that I was laying in front of a church getting a combination of pity looks and looks of disgust, or the fact that the wind was on a frenzy. One or two older men looked at me and stopped, I couldn't tell their intentions so I looked away,almost trying to wish them away. They left and I was alone, surrounded only by store lights. I was alone with nothing to hope for, kicked out of my mother's house with nowhere to go. Tomorrow I will most likely go back to my mother's house and apologize for something that wasn't my fault, lie and say I learned a lesson, and continue to live life gaining nothing from this tiresome experience.


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