Life in time | Teen Ink

Life in time

January 1, 2011
By disfunctionalX-x SILVER, Allentown, Pennsylvania
disfunctionalX-x SILVER, Allentown, Pennsylvania
6 articles 1 photo 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
live life, die free - corona motley

Some people say that time is of essence. But others may ask "What does that mean?" But what time really is, is a maturation. How we grow and find ourselves slowly dying every second. Time counts down to our very last breath. Time allows the mind to understand how short our lives really are. Some people would rather not know that their death is growing near and would waste thier time being ignorant by living in the moment; while others would think ahead and wonder why their lives could be so short and try to fix what they have done wrong. Time is a rememberence to why people die and others are born to die. Most people see time as a measure of their life and how long it is, but the truth is that it only tells us who understand that we are only born to eventually die. All who you know now will have to come to that time where the time grows near for their fate. As will you and I will know when the time comes, that there really was no time at all.

The author's comments:
almost scary

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