Fear Of Life | Teen Ink

Fear Of Life

April 16, 2011
By Opinionated GOLD, Brantford, Other
Opinionated GOLD, Brantford, Other
15 articles 0 photos 48 comments

Favorite Quote:
~Change what you can and accept what you cannot change.~<br /> ~If you love someone, let them free. If they come back, it&#039;s meant to be.~ <br /> ~Cease refusing to believe that in what you have created.~

He would pace anxiously in the waiting room. Thinking, wondering... People stared as he walked back and forth, frustration on his face. His mind thinking to no ends of what could happen, scratching his stubbled jaw forcing away the tears as they welled up. This is the first he thought, it's bound to be harder than the second, trying desperately to soothe himself, they would live. Quickly he took the elevator, bringing him to his stop, the fifth floor were his life's hope lied.

A nurse rushing out of the room with bloody gloves and a face that showed no emotion. She wouldn't say a word, not even look at him, she would simply walk by and on to her duties as if he were nothing but an extra pawn in their games. He had heard to many times before that they didn't care, that they were there to play and experiment. Not thinking, having too much on his mind he didn't realize what they were risking. But he blamed her as even after having been told, she refused, for she was more important. The doctor had said it, she could never live through it.

He remembers the moment, clear as day. The anger and sadness that flooded through him, it was the worse pain he could ever endure. Trying desperately to convince her, that she was all he had needed that these things were only perks to the life he wanted. She knew, it's what he'd been waiting for, she would give him the world and the world she was willing to give.

Three weeks early, worse enough the sings were getting more noticeable by the day and he would grow more fearful this day would come. It had. He sat on the cold bench and waited, for someone, for anything that would tell him that this was all going to turn out fine. No one came. What was truly an hour and twenty eight minutes felt like the rest of his life, because for him it was.

The light at the top of the door signalling "EMERGENCY" went out. The talking ceased, the machines powered down and the footsteps stopped. A doctor wearing a mask looking as bloody as the last walked out of the swinging doors with a look of dread, speaking softly yet forcefully saying "Come with me." The man was escorted away from the room, away from his wife, away from his family.

Entering the office he didn't notice its space, the awards, the PHDs, none of it was of importance. The doctor was of the best. As the man was seated the other took off the robe, the gloves, and the mask, put on his glasses to say.

"I've worked for many years on similar cases, helped them all and gave them life..."

No matter what he said, no matter how much he would rant, the man had a felling, a disconnection from the moment he was called at the office. He knew. His girls as he would have called them... were dead.

The author's comments:
I was asked "What's you're worst fear?" here's my answer.


This article has 1 comment.

PJD17 SILVER said...
on Apr. 22 2011 at 1:27 pm
PJD17 SILVER, Belleville, Illinois
8 articles 0 photos 624 comments

Favorite Quote:
I do the best imatation of myself- Ben Folds

this was a really good story!  i think that it could have stood to be a little bit longer  but you still did a really good job with it  could you please check out and comment on my story Numb.  i would really appreciate the feedback