The Loss of One | Teen Ink

The Loss of One

December 13, 2012
By williamsas BRONZE, Palm Bay, Florida
williamsas BRONZE, Palm Bay, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The Loss of One

The Date is 2016 December 23.Morning has finally come; well at least that’s what our watches said. I could not sleep last night trying to is restless man, I don’t know how we're expected sleep out here in this fox hole when it’s snowing on top of us all the time, and to top it all off its almost below zero degrees Fahrenheit . Man it's been like this for weeks trying to camp out here in Antarctica with my squad. There's four of us in the squad the leader is named Echo, then there's Snake he usually goes ahead and scouts for any enemies up ahead that we might need to take out, next is our main artillery man Haze, then finally me Ghost second in command.

It's kind of a funny story when we were all kids we used to live a couple blocks from each other but, Haze and Echo are brothers. Snake and I grew up in the same neighborhood as them but never really got to meeting them until we all joined the Marines but the funny thing is we all ended up in the same squad. From what Echo says his brother Haze has always been a little stubborn, but who's going to blame him Haze practically raised his brother and took care of him we all grew up in one heck of a neighborhood there was always some kind of crime going on grand theft, murder, breaking and entering you name it and somewhere in the neighborhood it was happening. That changed when we all joined the Marines when a man who was a ten year veteran came to our neighborhood and said "No matter how bad life gets don't let it make you do bad but do good to show that this god forsaken world has goodness and hope still left in it". That day we all knew what we needed to do help the people that didn’t have enough power to help themselves. So we all joined the Marines luckily we all got put in the same squad after being sent through extensive training. But now here we are in Antarctica freezing our butts off in the rain. Echo was the first one to wake then he woke up me and told me to check if it was all clear as soon as I saw it was clear we started making breakfast then Snake woke up doesn’t surprise me he was always grateful to eat he was a skinny man you could tell when you saw him.

"Snake" I asked. "Why haven't you ever told us about your past I mean I know we were best friends but I never met your parents".

"Your mom never told you huh" said Snake. "Tell me what" I said. "I'm an orphan Ghost raised myself got a job when I was ten years old" Snake replied

"Man why didn't she ever tell me that" I asked.

"Well your dad was a pretty messed up dude you know how it was with him beating you and your mom and she knew how happy you were when we hung out so she didn't want to make you sad" Snake replied.

"What are you girls doing up so early" Haze said.

"Go to bed lazy" said Echo.

"I don’t need to hear that Echo" Haze replied.

"I was just messing come eat big brother" Echo replied.

So we all sat in silence and ate. The time was now 8:00pm and we were on the move.

"Finally after weeks we found the ship" Said Haze.

"Lower it Haze" said Echo.

This is what our mission was finally we made it to our destination. Our mission was to destroy an Iraq sub delivering weapons to a secret base we located in Antarctica. But this is where Echo came in he was really observant and good and planning so we had decided that we would make our strike the next morning so we set camp within half a mile of the ship. The sight of so many weapons was almost breath taking. There were tons I mean literally you could supply New York withethose weapons one type for each person. They had it all assault rifles, sub machine guns, heavy machine guns, snipers, explosives, and millions more to come the ship was only half way empty and it had been there for a week, but before they could leave the ship had to be loaded with a secret bomb at the base it apparently from information we had from an inside source was charged like the sun, and could destroy a place the size of North Carolina I mean the all of it every square inch. The thought was horrific millions killed because of one person.

Night came and the stars shined and were our only light in the darkness which was always dark the sun doesn’t rise for another two months at least we all said our goodnights, and Snake did his usual routine of praying and then there was Haze writing letters to home Haze always said he was taking care of Echo in my opinion it was the other way around. Then Echo always kept a log in case someone ever needed to get it when he died to see how our missions had been going. I always had stared at the stars thinking about what that man had said and I would repeat it to myself "No matter how bad life gets don't let it make you do bad but do good to show that this god forsaken world has goodness and hope still left in it", "Goodnight guys" Everyone said.

Echo’s log day 22

We finally found the ship we’ve been looking for but, it’s definitely going to be hard to breach withethe security they’ve got going. Honestly I don’t see this going well but, we’ve been through worse who knows maybe we will get back in time for Christmas. Echo signing off.

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