Road to Happiness | Teen Ink

Road to Happiness

December 26, 2012
By Deetay BRONZE, Chico, California
Deetay BRONZE, Chico, California
4 articles 0 photos 2 comments

One wild night I met a woman named Clair, She was beautiful, intelligent everything I wanted to be. So I asked her what she thought about life. Her answer was simple but it had a certain complexity behind it I at the time couldn't comprehend.

" I believe life is about clarity, but to find that clarity would involve being able to laugh at perfection, and being pleased with who you are."
With that this strange woman left me with questions swirling around in my head, questions that would forever go unanswered.

It was only months later that I ran into a stranger who looked me up and down sizing me up. As I stood there staring at the stranger he grabbed my hand dropped a heart shaped pendent necklace in my palm and closed my hand around it and whispered in my ear.

" Raise your spirits"

Stunned and confused I walked away feeling as if I was in a daze. But with those few words he spoke gave me the aid to discover mischief, self worth, and romance. As I walked away I experienced a flashback of the woman named Clair
and the stranger I had just encountered, both gave me a new personality although I was only seventeen, I was pleased with the fact my knowledge went well beyond my years.

Not to long until I had another bump in with a stranger who had some more advice. Unfortunately it was in the form of a riddle the one thing I could not understand. the pressure of the strangers loose words rang in my ears until I couldn't take another moment of it. so I spent my days learning the origins of riddles and learning to understand them. With that began my future trying to master the art of words. I later acquired a job in Paris as an English teacher.

My teaching days were fine, but this one student I will never forget. She would walk in my class everyday with knowledge beyond me or my fellow colleges. She was a horrible student in the eyes of a normal teacher but I was lucky enough to see and be able to communicate with her intellectual side. She one told me she aspires to be a musician, at first I was doubtful given she couldn't play any sort of instrument. When I expressed my doubts to her she just smiled and gave me the fourth piece of advice that would change my life forever.

" Miss Vigil it credits me when people doubt me, it only makes me stronger. Given our school year together I have decided I want you to help me reach my goal, But before you can help my you need to help yourself."

At the time I couldn't understand what she meant, but eventually I realized she could tell my unhappiness before I myself figured it out.

I left London faster then I arrived, as I galvanized from country to country I still didn't find whatever it was I was looking for until I reached Tijuana Mexico. There I found my soul mate and future husband. His name was Rhett Johnson a handsome man but his mind is what captivated me. He like my self was a English teacher. We met at one of the local bars I was trying to order a gin and tonic but my waiter couldn't speak English. Rhett walked up to my table translated and sat down. At first glance I new I was in love, he felt the same so within two years traveling together we stopped in Africa it was there he proposed and we got married. I felt so at home we opened a school and both taught as English teachers. The feeling of helping someone was what I lived for, and helping my students get an education so they can go out in the world and make something of them selves was more then I could ask for.

It wasn't until years later I ran into my former student in Chico California at a local food market, she grabbed my and said its time for you to help me.

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