Just like flying | Teen Ink

Just like flying

January 12, 2013
By brittgo1 BRONZE, Downey, California
brittgo1 BRONZE, Downey, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

She was barefoot when she heard the car door slam and his heavy boots walk up the driveway. She thought this day would never come. Those long, lonely 18 months when he was away seemed like an eternity in her mind. She thought back to the last time she spent with him before he went to Iraq...
With her on his back, arms tightly clasped around his neck, he ran over to the playground in the park. Her father let her down on the sand, and she went straight for the swings. Those were her favorite.
"Push me, daddy. Push me!"
With his strong arms he pushed her higher and higher. Her light blonde hair flowed in the wind as she swung back and forth on the squeaky swing.
"I'm flying, daddy," she said with a giggle, "just like you!"
"That's right, baby girl. Your doing it," he responded back...
She replayed that day in her head constantly. It was something simple to remember him by; something to get her through the many days on the ground. She cried alot that night because she knew she wouldn't fly for a while, but she remained strong. He promised her he would come back safely. She believed him.
Now 18 months later, she sits on the couch while her mom walks past her to open the front door. She hears her mom with a voice that is unsuccessfully trying not to cry.
"I'm so happy your home, honey."
They share a moment as she walks over to the front door and stands by her mother. She catcher those big green eyes that mirror her own.
"Hi, baby girl."
It only takes a second for her to run up into those strong arms and hold him tightly.
"I knew you would keep your promise," she whispered.
He picks her up and spins her around. At that moment she closes her eyes, and is flying once more. Just like her daddy.

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