Tragic Memories | Teen Ink

Tragic Memories

January 16, 2013
By Astore BRONZE, ONeill, Nebraska
Astore BRONZE, ONeill, Nebraska
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
" Stay healthy and strong and you will never go wrong"

Tragic memory

I’m drowsy, all I can see are bright lights, and people in scrubs. Every things is fuzzy and unclear. Deep pain presses down on my chest. Then I hear a song, not from the TV or radio but from my guardian angel himself.

“ Bless the Lord ohh my soul, ohoho my soul, worship his holy name”

Memories rush back the more the song plays I remember I was making supper for my brother....

“ Sing like never before, ohh my soul, worship Your holy name.”

I was cooking the hamburger, when the knock on the door came....

“ The sun comes up, it’s a new day dawning, it's time to sing your song again, whatever lay past and whatever lies before me, may I singing when the evening comes.”

Suddenly the door is kicked in, a masked figure is holding me at gunpoint. Tears swell in my eyes as the memory comes back, and the song continues.

“ Bless the Lord oh my soul, ohoho my soul, worship his holy name, ohoh my soul, worship his holy name.”

Before I can make sense of things, the sound of death is heard, the sound burned in my ear, but no bullet had attacked me. My brother was the victim to the bullet, it hit him in the shoulder. Grabbing a knife from the counter, I plowed it into the attacker’s shoulder. He dropped the gun but grabbed a switchblade from his pocket and stabbed me twice, and with the amount of blood I could see I knew they were fatal stabs.. Before I passed out, I slit the man's throat, my brother now safe. The song continued

“ I worship your holy name”..

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