Brothers | Teen Ink


January 25, 2013
By MelissaLopez SILVER, Pasco, Washington
MelissaLopez SILVER, Pasco, Washington
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

There once were two brothers, the oldest was named Carlos and the youngest was Angel. They were poor, Carlos had to work a lot so his little brother Angel could go to college and be someone in life. At some point in Carlos’s life he fell in love with a beautiful young lady. He loved her so much and he wanted to marry her, but he couldn’t afford it until his little brother graduated because he needed to pay for his college. Time passed and Carlos was even more in love with his girlfriend.

While Angel was in college he met a girl, eventually that girl became his girlfriend. He, like his brother, fell in love with her. All he could think about is graduating and marrying that lovely girl. Time passed and Angel finally graduated from college and Carlos was proud of him. Finally he could finally marry his beautiful girlfriend. Months passed and Angel went to finally marry his girlfriend. He was so excited to marry her and finally introduce her to his brother Carlos.

Carlos was eagerly waiting for them at his house. He was also very excited and happy for all of his brother’s accomplishments. Finally Angel arrived with his brother. When Angel introduced her Carlos started crying. Angel asked him what happened? Why is he crying? Carlos replied that he so happy for him, and congratulated him for the lovely wife he had. What had happened was that Angel’s wife was Carlos’s girlfriend that he loved so much and wanted to marry after Angel finished college. Carlos didn’t want to tell him nothing about it and just let them be happy, he thought to himself that Angel worked hard for what he had and that he didn’t want to crush his dream. Carlos just hoped that Angel never found out.

He didn’t want for his brother to be heartbroken he had a good life, but keeping it a secret from him was really hard for Carlos. He decided that he was going to talk to Angel’s wife and ask her for an explanation. And based on what she told him he was going to tell Angel or not. After all, maybe she even had another guy because of what she had done to them. Carlos called their house and he was lucky that she picked up. He told her that she needed to meet up with her and that it was something very important.

They met up in a café downtown when Carlos got there she was already there, her face expression was worried. They talked and she told him how she and Angel met and how she started to have feelings for him. Why didn’t she tell Carlos? She told him that she didn’t want to hurt his feelings. Carlos could tell that she was lying, he was very angry and was thinking to tell Angel he didn’t care anymore he had to know the truth. Carlos went to Angel’s house and he was barely getting home, but Carlos didn’t wait to go inside he just started telling everything to him.

Angel stared at him silent, That made Carlos more frustrated. Then Angel said that he didn’t believe him and that he was jealous of him and Angel didn’t want to talk to him again. Years passed and Carlos received a phone call from his brother, he was crying and asking for him to forgive him. He found out everything after he saw his wife cheating on him with another guy. Carlos forgave him after all he was his brother which he loved very much.

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