Old Converse | Teen Ink

Old Converse

March 18, 2013
By Anonymous

I ran. That was all I had ever known. If anything ever got too serious or complicated, I would run. It's not like i had any specific place that I would go to, but I ran anyway. This time i found myself on a bridge. I leaned against the edge, water rippling beneath me. I ran my fingers through my hair and looked down at my old, run down, dirty converse. they were just like me. Tired. Done. Unwanted. Making my decision, I climbed up on the ledge. It wasn't worth it. I wasn't worth it. It would be fast and relatively painless. Suddenly, I was pulled from my thoughts by a small hand tugging on mine. I turned and looked into the piercing blue eyes of a woman i knew i would never run from.

The author's comments:
It starts out sad and depressing but it gets better!

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