Beavers | Teen Ink


May 7, 2013
By BrianAGarcia BRONZE, Crescent Springs, Kentucky
BrianAGarcia BRONZE, Crescent Springs, Kentucky
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I watched in amusement as I made Donkey Kong pound a stupid little beaver into the ground. It disappeared and dropped a watermelon slice. DK picked it up and regained health. I laughed out loud. I hated those little blue creatures, they were so stupid. All they did was run around in circles so I killed them, all of them.

My game was suddenly interrupted by my mom calling us into the kitchen for lunch. I looked longingly at my game but a PB&J sandwich with Puff corn and Kool-Aid beats killing little creatures for now so I paused my game and found my sisters coming down the steps for their lunch. I hurried to beat them to the kitchen and get the first pick of the sandwiches. There were three, one for each of us, and each one had a cup with a different Disney character. Goofy was on a deep green cup, Donald was on a blue cup, and Mickey was on a red and purple cup. I grabbed Goofy; I liked Goofy the best out of all of them, and sat down at my spot at the table. My two sisters soon joined me at the table. Olivia, the younger one, had Donald and Beth, the older one, had Mickey on their cups.
Beth saw me looking and stared right into my eyes and said, “Brian’s the monster!” It was a game of ours that we used to play at the table. One person was “it” and they had to look into the eyes of someone else at the table. If they made eye contact with someone than the other person would be it. We called that person the “monster.” Beth had just claimed that I was it; she would always make me be it first.
I replied, “Not uh, you were it last, you’re the monster!” She now looked down at the sandwich, “Nope you’re the monster.” I was not going to let this crime stand, I quickly said, “Well I’m not playing so, I can’t be the monster.” Beth just turned to Olivia and whispered quite loudly, “Brian’s the monster don’t look at him!” My mom came in at that moment, heard what Beth was saying, and quickly ended our game by saying, “No! You will not play that game at the table! Now eat your lunch.” With my mom’s watchful gaze we couldn’t play our game openly and my sisters couldn’t force me to be it… again. We sat there and stared at our sandwiches, not daring to test our mother today. No one looked up until she left the room. We all watched her go and relaxed, and then Beth proudly said, “It is our turn on the videogames after lunch, Brian.”
I was appalled, “You guys got it all yesterday! It is still my turn!” I said rather angrily.
“Yesterday you didn’t ask for it so we kept playing. After lunch it is my turn.” Beth said. She gave me a look that scared me into submission.
“Fine, you can have it, just let me finish something up real quick.” I said, defeated. I wolfed down my thick sandwich, which had way too much peanut butter, and washed it down with my sweet, watermelon Kool-Aid. My game was exactly how I left it. Sitting down, I looked back to find my sisters quietly whispering something to each other. I knew that they were up to something; they were always plotting against me and always finding new ways to get on my nerves. Beth was the mastermind and Olivia was always the little henchman.
I continued my game and started to get to a good place to save it. As I was heading there, I saw two beavers, one was blue and the other was slightly purplish, and they were running around squealing and making other strange noises. I decided to kill these two little nuisances real quick. I ran up and tried to punch one of them but I missed and the other one came and attacked from behind. I tried to turn to fight it but the first one came back to attack me. I became pinned between them. I struggled and struggled but I couldn’t do anything, they wiped out my health and killed me.
My sisters crept into the room behind me just then. They sat down, one on either side of me. I was so focused that I didn’t notice them at first. Beth leaned in towards me and whispered into my ear, “Moo…” Then Olivia leaned in on the other side and whispered, “Woof…”
It was so weird that I didn’t know how to react, so I did what came naturally to me then, I chose to ignore them. I focused on the screen and tried to play but my strange sisters persisted with their aggravating chant. Beth said Moo, Olivia said Woof and they said those words in any different way they could think of. It was a constant Moooo, Woof, Moo, Wwoof. It never seemed to end. I clenched my jaw shut, squeezed the controller as if I was strangling something, and stared a hole through the TV.
“Woof, Moo…Moo, Woof.” They would breath down my neck and touch my hair with their noses. I tried so hard to ignore them, I tried to shake them off of me and swing my elbows to get them away. I was trapped between them. Every time I pushed one away the other said their word in my ear and the first one would come back to answer with their word. I couldn’t take it any longer, I screamed on the top of my lungs, “STOP IT!” Beth and Olivia briefly glanced at each other, smiled and started it up again. At that point my face was cherry red and contorted with rage. “Guys, Stop It, that is really annoying, STOP!” They ignored me and kept doing it. I threw down my controller, screamed like a charging boar and tackled Beth. She was four years older than me, and a whole lot bigger so she easily held me back. I tried to punch her, but after the first hit she caught my arm. With my other hand I reached for the arm she was holding me with, and scratched all the way down it. She had cried out and started bleeding in some spots. Olivia had been watching the whole time but she now decided to go get Mom. Meanwhile Beth twisted my arm around and shoved me to the ground. She then pinned me to the ground and started shaking me violently. I struggled but her weight was on me so I couldn’t move, all I could do was scream insults. The first thing that came to my mind was, “You’re a stupid beaver!”
She snapped back, “Your not allowed saying stupid!”
So I called, “BEAVER!” I couldn’t do anything against her when she pinned me to the ground, the only thing that I could do was to submit. Luckily Mom came in with Olivia close behind and ordered Beth to get off. Once we separated Mom took us into the kitchen and spanked us a few times. It was not a fun experience. My Mom was really strong and if she caught us fighting she would make sure that we couldn’t physically fight for a while. After what seemed like five minutes she had decided to let us go. She told Beth to not antagonize me and sent her to her room. Beth was shocked, “WHAT!?”
Mom just looked at her with a tired look, “I know you started it now go to your room.” I smiled to myself, but Beth gestured, “Oh well, it was worth a try,” with her arms and shoulders and went to her room.
We stood in silence and watched her go. After she had left, Mom turned to me and said, “Brian don’t fight your sister, no matter what she does.”
I mumbled, “OK,” to her. I wanted to say that Beth caused it, but my Mom would only have said that I had continued it and I would have been lectured some more.
She wasn’t convinced with my statement, so she added, “Don’t speak to them that way either.”
“What!?” I said. How could she have heard us?
She ignored my comment and continued, “And it is Olivia’s turn on the video games.”
“What!?” I said again. Olivia looked slightly surprised, but then Mom said to her, “Don’t torture your brother again, Olivia, you should know better.” Olivia was always obedient and agreed. She went to the N64 and started playing.
Now that my Mom had finished scolding everyone she sighed quietly and went back upstairs leaving us alone by the TV. I was satisfied that those two wouldn’t bother me again until later, so I sat down next to Olivia. She was also playing Donkey Kong, but she was Lanky. She was always Lanky, I was always chose Chunky, if I had him, and Beth was always Tiny.
Olivia was now running around the spot where I was killed last time and a beaver had just popped up there. I remembered my earlier defeat and wanted revenge on those two monsters. I only saw one of the beavers now but that one was going to pay for it with his life. I quickly told Olivia, “Go kill that stupid little beaver!”

The author's comments:
This is basically true events that had happened to me that I put together, but it does have some elements that were not true.

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