What to Write. What to Write | Teen Ink

What to Write. What to Write

May 8, 2013
By Kelsey Smith BRONZE, Grove, Oklahoma
Kelsey Smith BRONZE, Grove, Oklahoma
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

What to Write. What to Write.
“I don’t know what to write about!”
“What should I write about?”
“Mom….give me something to write about!”
These phrases are used every day for my English class. I could be sitting at my desk, for an hour just staring at a blank piece of paper. The thought of a million little things that could be written about are stuck in my head.
I could write about love, boys, clothes, friends, my brother, my dog, band, the weird kids I sit next to who talk about ancient kingdoms? I can’t decide! There’s so much going on that I could put on this paper, but what? Which would catch the reader’s eye or even make them feel like they are in a dream? The choices I have are everywhere.
As I write my name on my paper to start writing, something pops into my thoughts, “I can write about….never mind.” Another idea, gone. I lay my head down in exhaustion. Everything is fuzzy, and nothing seems clear enough to picture as an essay. I lift my head back up, looking at the wall… “I got it! I will write about finding what to write about!”
I get a smile on my face, and start to jot things down, but I stop. As I sit up straight, I realized something. I don’t know how to start this to make it interesting. I hit my forehead with my hand. “Here goes another hour wasted...” I drop my pencil and just wait… “This essay will come to me…eventually.”

The author's comments:
Before I was writing this essay, i couldn't decide what to write about. So I chose to write about what to write about.

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