Life of an L.A Thug | Teen Ink

Life of an L.A Thug

May 23, 2013
By Trale95 BRONZE, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Trale95 BRONZE, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Life of an L.A Thug

Trevor Williams had it rough growing up as a child. When he was 8 years old his father was shot and killed in a drive by in Los Angeles while trying to protect Trevor from the bullets. His father James Williams used his body as a shield to make sure his son wasn't hurt in the drive by and ended up losing his life. It was a traumatic experience that Trevor will never forget. Trevor looked up to James and felt lost in the world when he was gone. Trevor's mom was murdered when he was 19, she was found dead with her hands tied behind her back, a blind fold wrapped around her eyes, and a bullet hole in the back of her head in an alley. Growing up Trevor had to take on the role as a father figure for his younger siblings. His sister's name was Mackenzie Williams and his brother's name was Kentrale Williams. Mackenzie was a freshman in high school and Kentrale was a fresh graduate. Trevor basically raised them since their mother was hardly around and their father died, so Trevor had to do almost everything for them on his own. Trevor started selling drugs when he was 15 to help pay bills and to support his family. Trevor started out selling weed but he moved up to crack and cocaine and then to other hard drugs. He did anything and everything he had to do to keep his family happy, full and well clothed.

Trevor lives in a 4 bedroom house with two floors. His sister and his brother both live there with him. It was around 8:30pm on a Sunday night when his phone started going off from multiple texts and phone calls from drug addicts and drug dealers. Trevor told his brother he would be back in the morning, but he couldn't tell his sister because she was sleep and tomorrow would be her first day of High School. Trevor lets his two pit bulls outside to in the backyard to make sure that no one tries to come in the through the back while he's gone. One of the dogs is all white and her name is Cocaine, and the other one is a black greyish color with green eyes and his name is Gargoyle. Trevor has another dog that he loves almost more than anything. It's a Rottweiler and its name is Sam, and he takes Sam everywhere that he goes. Trevor gets into his 2012 Camaro Concept with Sam. The Camaro was black on black with 24in rims. Trevor begins to make his drop-offs and pickups, which last most of the night. He stops here and there to talk to a couple females, and gets one of them to go back to her house. He finishes at her house at around 1:35am and has to start back heading home because he knows how excited his sister is for her first day of High School and he doesn't want to make her late due to his messing around.

Trevor gets back home at around 2:00am and starts watching his SpongeBob series on DVD, that's his favorite cartoon and everyday he faithfully watches it. He lets his dogs back in the house and all three of them cuddle up around him and they all go to sleep. Trevor wakes up in the morning to his sister yelling at him because he overslept and he only has 20 minutes to get her to school before she's late on the first day. Mackenzie, Trevor and Sam get into the car and rush her to school with 5 minutes to spare. After he drops her off he feels like smoking weed, so he stops at the gas station to get a White Grape Owl cigarillo to roll the weed in. Trevor rolls the weed in the gas station parking lot and drives off smoking.

Around the corner from the gas station there was a shooting murder and the police acted to the shoots right away. Trevor heard the sirens and immediately put the blunt out and let down the windows. He pulled over to the side of the street and the officers got of their car and walked up to his. They asked him why he was driving so slowly and then right before he could answer Sam started barking at the officer on its side of the car. The officer tells Trevor to control his dog, and Trevor tells Sam to be quiet. The officer tells Trevor to get out the car and put his hands up on the hood of the car. They begin patting Trevor down and they find nothing on him but 300 dollars, a lighter and a Trojan Fire and Ice. Sam begins to bark again and the officer warns Trevor that he needs to get his dog under control. The officer uses force and pushes Trevor up against the car and Sam leaps out of the window and runs towards the officer. The other officer pulls out his gun and fires to shots at Sam. One of the bullets hit Sam in the head and the other in her chest.

Trevor turns around and yells Samantha! But it is already too late. Samantha laid their dead in a pool of blood and Trevor snaps. Trevor reached under his seat and pulled out his Revolver and shoots the officer that shot Samantha in the head and the other officer in his chest. Luckily there were no witnesses. Trevor grabs Samantha out of the street and puts her in the backseat of the car and speeds off. Trevor goes to his house and packs clothes for him, Kentrale and Mackenzie. Kentrale asked Trevor what happened and why they had to leave their home in such a rush and Trevor tells Kentrale he'll explain it to him in the car on the way to pick up Mackenzie from school. They get Cocaine and Gargoyle and put them in the car set the house on fire since it was full of drugs and other illegal things.

On the way to Mackenzie's school, Trevor and Kentrale are ducking and dodging police left and right. When they finally make it to Mackenzie's school Trevor runs in the school, and heads to the office to figure out what class Mackenzie was in. He finds her class and tells her she needs to grab all her stuff because they have to leave as soon as possible. She objects at first, but then she senses Trevor's sense of urgency and leaves with him. They rush back to the car and Mackenzie screams when she sees Samantha in the backseat dead. She asked Trevor what happened and he explains everything to her. Mackenzie starts crying because she doesn't want to have to leave L.A and start a whole other life somewhere else when she has live in L.A her whole life. She doesn't want to leave her home town of L.A but she doesn't have a choice.

Trevor tells them that they have to get to Miami and that's where they can start over and be safe. Since no one saw what he did to the police officers and since they were dead, they couldn't give a description of Trevor. Trevor runs into a traffic stop by the L.A.P.D and they try to check his car. Trevor pulls of fast going 115 mph on the highway and it turns into a 3 car police chase. Trevor was able to shake the police with minimum damage to his car without other police squad cars being able to catch up to him. Trevor knows he has to get rid of his car and he does so by pulling over by a lake and telling his sister, brother and two dogs to get out the car. Trevor kisses Samantha on her forehead and drives the car into the lake but hops out right before it goes off the land. Trevor finds a van in an empty lot and breaks into it and they use that as the car to get to Miami. They all load up into the Van and think to their selves about what happened to them and how quickly their lives changed from one quick incident of a bullet. While Gargoyle and Cocaine are sticking their heads out of the windows, Trevor looks in the central rearview mirror and grins. Trevor promises them that he'll stop selling drugs because he never wants to put any of them through that kind of pain and fear again, and reassures them that there on out that he make sure that they have a better life in Miami than they did in L.A.

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