What Happens Next? | Teen Ink

What Happens Next?

May 27, 2013
By Rachel Judd BRONZE, Round Hill, Virginia
Rachel Judd BRONZE, Round Hill, Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

"Come on, man. We got these terrorists." My best friend, Chad yelled to me as we raced to find the hiding terrorists. The rifle in my hand suddenly became as light as a feather. Our current location was Baghdad, Iraq. Hot, humid, and dead. We entered an abandoned home in the middle of nowhere to check if anyone was hiding out in here. We quietly stepped inside the house, trying not to make any sounds.

"Let's separate. I'll go up; you stay down here to look around." Chad whispered so soft I could barely here him. I didn't think it was a good idea to separate, but before I could say anything, he was already starting up the steps. I decided to let it go and start looking around. I went to the dining room to check it out when I saw a small, narrow hallway. My heart started racing really fast. "If someone's in here, this is it." I kept thinking to myself. I tried to push the thought of it away, but it was still there. There were three rooms connected to the hallway. I checked the first two with caution, completely empty. I started towards the last room praying to god that nothing was going to be in there. I entered the room, quiet as ever, ready to shoot. I looked under the bed, nothing. But then I opened the closet, and there was a bag in there. "No way." I said to myself. I kneeled down and opened it. Every couple seconds I would turn around to make sure no one was behind me. There were a whole thing of clothes, radios, and a cell phone. Then, it finally clicked. Someone is in this house. We need to get out. "Chad! Get out of the house!" I yelled up. Stupid mistake. About a second later, I heard gun shots fire from upstairs. I immediately bolted upstairs to make sure Chad was the one shooting. Before I got all the way up the steps, I saw Chad, my best friend since 2nd grade, my partner in crime, dead. My heart sunk. It was my entire fault. I ran up and bent down next to Chad and whispered, "I love you man." I heard a safety go off a gun and looked up to find three foreigners standing right in front of me. They had their guns facing me. I soon realized I left my gun downstairs. Wow, how many mistakes can one guy make in a day? One whispered something in a different language to the other two and they left. The one man put his gun right to my forehead. This is it; I'm done in a matter of seconds. I suddenly had a flashback to all of the memories with my beautiful wife, Kristen. I wonder what it's going to be like for her when she realizes I'm gone. What about my kids? I can't do this to them. My mom, dad, brothers, what will they think? This couple of seconds is so overwhelming. If I try and grab the gun, his first reaction will be to pull the trigger. If I stay still, he'll pull the trigger. So basically he wins either way. I see his finger move to the trigger. Everything's in slow motion, I can't even explain the feeling. I see the smoke slowly coming out of the hole along with a tiny bullet. This is it, I'm done. I've been shot. I feel myself slowly...sinking...away...

The author's comments:
Memorial Day inspired me on this piece. I want people to realize the sacrifices people take to protect this country.

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