F The World | Teen Ink

F The World

June 17, 2013
By Tupac_Shakur BRONZE, New Brunswick, New Jersey
Tupac_Shakur BRONZE, New Brunswick, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments


My name is Farrahd Pittman, people call my King-F. I’m from Uptown New Brunswick, and this is my story.

Bang bang! *sounds of gunshots being fired.* “Hows that feel motha f#cka?” said from a loud voice.

The smell of gunpowder was everywhere, the sound of gunshots ringed in my head whilst laying in the middle of the Rutgers Street. I was laying in a puddle of blood, my white shirt was red and dripping with blood. I got up and walked into my house and called my boy Tyshaw to give me a ride to Robert Wood Johnson Hospital. Next thing you know, I woke up in a hospital bed with iv’s in me and a air mask on my face. A female hispanic doctor in her early 20’s was in the room taking blood from my arm. They gave me morphine and vicodin to kill the pain. I had a hole in my chest with about a hundred stitches to close the wound. They said I was free to go once they finished the stitches, but I had to go to the pharmacy though to get some pain killers. So my boy Tyshaw helped me get my stuff and left Robert Wood.

“Yo I’m hungry as hell b, we gotta go to CVS in North Brunswick and lets stop at BK when we drop off the prescription.” I said sounding planned out.

“Aight, I got you. I’m hungry too!” Tyshaw replied.

“So what happened to you?” Tyshaw asked.

“All I remember was some Dominican from Down Bottom shot me. I swear when I find this kid, we boutta get right.” King-F said

“If I pop off you better follow up.” King-F said

“I don’t got a choice if I wanna follow up, you already know I’ma follow up.” Tyshaw replied

They arrived at CVS and dropped of the prescription in the drive through. The pharmacist lady said “You can come pick it up in 30 minutes.”

“Aight, thank you.” Farrahd said.

“Yo what time is it?” Farrahd asked Tyshaw.”

“10:20” Tyshaw replied after looking at his phone.

“Aight.” King-F said.

They drove across the parking lot and went to Burger King and parked Tyshaw’s Unlcle Timmy’s red toyota coupe and went inside.

“Damn I’m boutta go mash on these burgers” Farraahd said in his mind.

King-F and Tyshaw go up to the register and the teenage cashier asked “Hey you ready to place your order?”

Tyshaw said “Yeah let me get four bacon and cheddar whoppers with a order of 12 nuggets, fries and two large cups.”

“Okay your order number is 42.” the cashier replied.

As they went to sit down, they went to the soft drink dispenser, Tyshaw got a sweet tea, Farrahd got a coke. Both Tyshaw and Farrahd sat at the booth the looked like a turqouise car from the 50’s with fishtails on the back. About three minutes after an old dominican man with partly grey hair said out loud “Number 42!” As soon as Tyshaw and Farrahd heard that, their eyes opened up like as if they were on crystal meth. They walked fast to the register and got their food. They sat back down and started digging in like a tiger mauling a zebra. As they finished Farrahd looked at his phone and said “Yo it 10:37, we gotta go to CVS.”

“Word, aight lets dip.” Tyshaw said.

As they left they put their tray back and threw out their garbage and refilled their drinks. They got in the car and went drove to CVS and went thru the drive through and said “Pick up for Pittman.”

“Whooosh!” came from the vacuum pod to send stuff in the tube from the inside.

Tyshaw said “Yo lets go to my crib.”

“Aight lets dip son.” King-F replied.

As they drove down Livingston Avenue, they saw a car crash in front of Foodtown. The car was totaled, the whole front end of the car was smashed in, including the grill, hood, and bumper. There was skid marks and broken glass everywhere in the parking lot. People were in shock after seeing the crash. We drove past and turned on to Loretta Street. They arrived in front of Tyshaws blue house. Tyshaw got out and called Jonathan outside. Jonathan is a 17 year old dominican who is skinny and muscular, has black curly hair and loves to ride dirt bikes. He ran outside and talked to them. Tyshaw called Troy and the other Johnathan, & Jeremy. Jeremy is a 21 year old black guy who is big and muscular and has known Tyshaw since they were in second grade. Troy is a skinny black teenager who is 19 and has known Tyshaw since they first moved to Loretta street. They all grouped together in Tyshaw’s driveway. They all talked about what happened. Farrahd said “I don’t remember anything except that, I got shot by some dominican from Down Bottom.”

“You know who it was?” Jonathan asked.

“Nah, but he had a pair of bugs bunny Jordan eights, red adidas shorts, a bulls snapback, and had a edge up in the front of his head and a clowns afro in the back. He was a light skinned dominican though.” King-F said.

“Oh, I think I know him, his name is junior, I see him in the hallways and at lunch.” Jonathan replied.

Farrahd thought to himself that he would have Jonathan find out where Junior lived.

“Yo, I need you to find out where his crib is at.” Farrahd said.

“Aight, I got you, I’ma find out where he rest at b.” Jonathan replied.

Troy said “Damn what you gonna do to him?”

“We gonna get right, I’ma make 50 Cent look like a pu*$y after I’m through with him.” Farrahd said in an angered, self-believing tone of voice.

“Damnnn..... I feel bad for that sorry moth@ fu*#a.” Troy replied to Farrahd in a comical tone of voice.

Farrahd said, “All I know is if I pop off, all y’all better follow up.

“Hell yeah, we ain’t got no choice, you our boy!” the whole group of L block said.

“Aight, well I’m boutta’ go to bed before my pops yell at me.” Farrahd said.

Tyshaw asked “Yo, you need a ride?”

“Yeah, good looks.” Farrahd said.

Tyshaw ran into his blue house and got the car keys to his uncle Timmy’s red toyota coupe outside in his driveway. “Jingle jingle” the sound of keys rattling around his black and red gucci belt. Tyshaw and Farrahd hopped in the toyota and drove to Rutgers street. They noticed there was a cop on remson hiding between a silver range rover and a black saturn coupe. As soon as they saw him they went up to May Street, which was right after Loretta. The turned left so they could go drive on lee avenue and go faster without any cops nearby.

As they got to Rutgers Street Farrahd took off his seatbelt and got his black north face backpack got out of the car. Farrahd walked into his house and contemplated about what he would do to get revenge on the dominican from Down Bottom who shot him. He was in the kitchen thinking about what he would do and he thought to himself he needed to get a hammer (gun). Farrahd was thirsty and got some sweet tea from his fridge. He saw his Mom and she asked him “How are you baby?”

“I’m alright momma, how about you?” Farrahd said.

“Good, tired though hun, and my shoulders are hurting.” Ms. Pittman said.

“You think you could rub your old momma’s shoulders?” Ms. Pittman said in an achey weak voice.

“Yeah sure momma, turn around.” Farrahd said.

Farrahd started rubbing his mom’s shoulders, she said “Oh this is heaven.”

Ms. Pittman started to close her eyes after about 10 minutes into the massage. She was very tired you could see the bags under her light brown eyes. She yawned for about eight seconds long. Farrahd yawned right after, it was like a chain reaction. About five minutes later she fell asleep, she was out cold. Farrahd stopped giving his mom the massge after she fell asleep. Farrahd ran upstairs and went in his brother Mahlie’s room. “Yo you hear what happened?” Farrahd said.

“Nah, what happened?” Mahlie said with a confused voice.

“I got shot.” Farrahd said.

“Stop lying.” Mahlie said thinking Farrahd was bull shi#ing him.

“Nah dead ass, I got shot by a dominican named Junior from Down Bottom like two days ago.” Farrahd said.

“Nah, keep it a hundred.” Mahlie said.

Farrahd lifted up his black and gold crooks and castles shirt and on his skin you saw bullet holes in Farrahds chest. He was bruised and had stitches on the bullet holes. You could see blood stains on his chest and under his shirt. “Oh Sh@t!” Mahlie said in a sad yet proven and astonished tone of voice. Farrahd was starting to feel the pain again from the wounds because the painkillers were wearing off. Mahlie asked if Farrahd if he needed a drink, but he already had one. Farrahd opened the bottle of pills and you could hear the rattling of the pills from downstairs. Farrahd was talking to mahlie about what he was going to do to get revenge with Junior. After Farrahd left Mahlie’s room and went his room and watched Martin on MTV2. The next morning Farrahd got up and heard his mom scream his name from downstairs in the kitchen. The smell of eggs and bacon dragged him out of bed like in a disney movie. “Dayum that smells good!” Farrahd said. Farrahd ran into Mahlie’s room and yelled “Wake the hell up, there’s food downstairs.”

“Mhmmmm, I’ll be up in a little bit, give me like ten minutes.” Mahlie yawned and moaned.

You could see the crust in Mahlie’s eye from just waking up. Farrahd jumped on him to get him up and get some food. After that they both ran downstairs and sat at the table. there was plates already prepared for them both. there was two sunny side up eggs, six pieces of crispy bacon, buttered white toast, and a glass of orange juice. They both ate up, while they were eating Farrahd stole a piece of Mahlie’s bacon. Mahlie said “If you touch my bacon again, I’ll stab you with my fork right in your hand, if you think I’m kidding try me son.” Mahlie said with a serious face and staring Farrahd right into the eyes without blinking.

“Aight, I got you.” Farrahd said laughing after he said that.

After they finished eating Farrahd went upstairs and got dressed in his true religion joey t jeans, a black nike shirt, a pair of air jordan concord elevens, and a ferragamo belt. As soon as he was dressed, Farrahd ran out the door. When he got outside, he sat on his porch with a thoughtful look on his face. “I gotta call Tyshaw and get a ride.” Farrahd said to himself.

Farrahd pulled out his galaxy s four phone and called Tyshaw. “ring ring.” you heard from the phone.

“Yo” Tyshaw said.

“Yo, where you at?” Farrahd asked.

“At my crib.” Tyshaw replied.

“Come through.” Farrahd ordered him

“Aight, give me like ten minutes.” Tyshaw replied.

“Aight, good looks b.” Farrahd said.

As time passed by Farrahd heard the engine of Tyshaw’s uncle Timmy’s car and the song “Flexin’” by Meek Mill was playing loud from the radio of the car. Farrahd hopped in and they drove to Loretta street. Farrahd yelled out “Cruuuu!” in Tyshaw’s driveway.

After that Johnathan came outside his window and said “Yo!.”

“Come out.” Tyshaw said.

“Aight, I’ll be right down.” Jonathan said.

After like a minute and a half Jonathan was outside and talked to Tyshaw and Farrahd from his gate. Farrad asked Jonathan about what he got for information about Junior. Jonathan said “Yeah, He live in the Ville, on Wright Place. He be at Baker Park almost every night and chills by the apartments too.”

“Aight word, good looks yo. I know my boy Jonathan got my back.” Farrahd said.

Farrahd got mostly all the information he needed to find Junior. Farrahd was talking to Jonathan and Tyshaw for about 15 more minutes. Farrahd had asked Tyshaaw to bring Farrahd to the Ville on Wright Place and let him scope out where he lives at. They both drove down to Farrahds house first to get the gun, black gloves and his 30 clip. “You got the heater?” Tyshaw asked.

“Yeah I got everything, lets dip.” Farrahd said. with an affirmative voice.

Tyshaw started up the car and put it into drive, Tyshaw turned up the radio and played Gillie da Kid: Trynna get me one from his phone. They drove from Uptown to the Ville. As they passed this park by the Ville there was about twelve kids there, all playing basketball. As they got closer to Wright Place, they saw mostly all black people, Farrahd thought to himself that it’ll be easy to find a dominican around here. About 2 minutes later they pulled up in front of all the apartment complexes. They waited outside for about five minutes to see where Junior was, but couldn’t find him. BUt next thing you know they see a dominican kid with an afro and air jordan bugs bunny eights on. Farrahd said with his eyes wide open “There he is.”

Tyshaw asked “Word?”

“Word.” Farrahd replied.

“What you gonna do?” Tyshaw asked.

“I’ma wait till it gets dark and then light his @$$ up like Times Square in Manhattan.” Farrahd said.

“Aight, damn that’s what’s up.” Tyshaw said.

As daylight came to dawn and it was pitch black outside, all you could see was a yellow high pressure sodium flickering street light. Farrahd was waiting in the car for Junior to come out of his house. “Squeek!” you heard from the screen door of Juniors apartment.

You heard the footsteps of Junior and Farrahd was in the car ready to approach him “Schlick.” you heard the 30 round clip be put into the handle of the gun. Tyshaw asked “You ready?”

“Yeah, wish me luck.” Farrahd said.

Farrahd jumped out of the car and started running after Junior. Junuior started to run but Farrahd was faster. Farrahd tackled Junior to the ground and started punching him in the face with his fists left after right after left after right. He lost a tooth and his face was covered, dripping in blood. “How’s it feel you little bi#*h?” Farrahd asked whilst still punching him.

Farrahd ran out of breath and pulled the gun out of his pants and put it into Juniors mouth. “Any last words you little b*#ch?” he asked Junior. Junior spit in Farrahd’s face. Farrahd was so mad, he almost turned purple. “BANG!” Juniors brains were scattered all over the grass. Farrahd got up and hopped in the car and drove away. “Skeeerttt!” you heard from the tires of the car. “You want McDonald’s?” Tyshaw asked.

“Hell yeah let’s munch!” Farrahd said.

The End

The author's comments:
This realistic fiction story is based in Uptown New Brunswick

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