A lost child | Teen Ink

A lost child

July 5, 2013
By Lovatic4evr BRONZE, Ardsley, New York
Lovatic4evr BRONZE, Ardsley, New York
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Here I am my dark blue converse on the floor beside me. They really don’t have good lighting in hospitals do they? I don’t know why I’m here; or why they’re taking me away from my mommy. I love my mommy so much. I can’t believe they left me here; my own parents left me. They said this is my new home for a while, but I want my own home. I want my annoying little brother, pink room, strawberry short cake blanket, and my flowery pink carpet. I want my home filled with mommy, daddy, and Timmy. I just wanna go home.


“Mam I know it’s hard, but your daughter needs to be here. You will be able to call her in the morning.” I can’t believe I’m doing this. No it’s for the best; she needs to work out her problems; she can’t go on like this—she needs to eat. If she doesn’t stay here she will die. But she’s 8 years old and needs her mommy to protect her from all the bad dreams. All of the monsters under her bed, and the goblins outside her window. But she really does need this. Jessie may need this, but I need my baby back.

Oh Jessie, Jessie, Jessie. You’re too young to see the damage this will put on your life. She’s 8 years old, in a house of crazies, and without her parents. What else can go wrong? I can’t believe my little girl ever did that to herself. I always wondered why she had those paining eyes. Poor kid, this is all my fault. I shouldn’t have yelled at her for eating so much when she was smaller. What kind of a father am I?

Stupid Amber, walking around school like she got the last birthday cupcake. She’s so mean. I hate soccer because of her. All of the team used to talk about me while I was packing up; I know they were. The words I overheard them say still ring in my head; like that phone call you never wanna pick up. Fat, stupid, bad, not good enough. My mom always picked me up afterwards. I would sit in the backseat holding onto the seat as much as I could. And then I would come home and my dad would yell at me.

“Stop eating,” he said.

“You’re going to become obese,” he said. I’m so confused. Is eating good or bad? First I get yelled at for eating and then I get yelled at for not eating. I think eating is bad I mean that’s why I’m fat right? Eating was the reason why those kids picked on me. If I never ate then I would’ve never been picked on. I mean they wouldn’t say something that wasn’t true… right?

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