Passion | Teen Ink


July 9, 2013
By clblackett SILVER, Davisburg, Michigan
clblackett SILVER, Davisburg, Michigan
5 articles 0 photos 2 comments

The words.

Can be beautiful or ugly.

Both on paper.

With dwelt.

Or love.

If someone's heart was to breaking. She would write.

How painful it is to have your heart shatter in a million pieces.

Tears used on a pillow at night.

To be afraid of feeling like this again.


With her black ink she'd write about


How great it felt.

The feeling you have when you have someone

That holds you at night.

That would kiss you.

What if?

She would be dreaming

of a lie.

She was never to be in love.

It was all in her head.

When she thought she had someone

When she didn't.


Everyone would tell her

She was loser

she had nothing

She was a ugly girl

with no soul.

Thoughts would be hammered into her head.

She thought she would have nobody

To love her. Hold her. Kiss her.

Every night.

She wanted that

She wanted that image.

It wasn't the luster she loved.

It was someone.

That wouldn't love her.

She had to accept it.

She'd write.

About the horrible

About the great.

Until her heart couldn't content.

She was done.

With words.

She hated words.

She would not stop writing them.

She hated words

The way it would stab her.

One day

she didn't hear words.

Or write them.

She was done with life.

Someone did hold her.


He loved her.

He made her realize that

she was worth something.

When it was too late.

The author's comments:
This isn't true!

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