Cry For Me | Teen Ink

Cry For Me

September 11, 2013
By Anonymous

Cry for me when i'm dead. Cause I know you don't give a s*** about my heart. But when i'm gone, you will finally understand what could have been good for the both of us. All I have to say is I don't know what to do anymore. I'm confused as hell. So now i shall deny my feelings and tell myself it was just a dream. Even if it means I have to forget about myself. Because if that is what you want it will be worth it. Even if it means I never get over it. So now I say bye and I hope you never miss out on love. Love that is all you can imagine all, you can ask for. The love that I never had or I guess never give...

The author's comments:
You can't have a relasionship when one person is out and the other is'nt...

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