Sister Love | Teen Ink

Sister Love

December 1, 2013
By Anonymous

Anna burst into the hospital at 9:00 PM. After hearing that her sister’s brain cancer had left her no way to escape death, she couldn’t stay home. She ran to the reception desk as fast as she could. “Colette Carter’s room?” she asked out of breath. “Room 9 at your right.” The nurse pointed in the direction, and Anna ran as fast as she could to her sister bumping into patients and doctors as she went.

When the door opened, Colette turned with a smile on her face. “Anna? I thought you would come later.” Colette said. “Colette, how do you expect me to stay home when you are in this condition? You are my sister. I need to go through this with you.” Anna tried not to cry in front of her younger sister. “How do you feel?” she asked, hoping that she didn’t sound too emotional. “The energy is draining out of me. I’m getting weaker and weaker by the minute.” Colette replied with a few coughs. “Are you ok? Do you need a nurse? Let me go get one.” Anna said, and was about to leave when Colette grabbed her hand. “No, I don’t want you to leave, and the nurses will just waste my last few minutes of life.”

Now, Anna could no longer control her emotions. Her younger sister had always been there for her. She remembered how Colette used to help Anna when she was in trouble, like the time she accidentally tore her mother’s favorite gown. It was hard imagining getting out of tough times without her. Colette would help her sister out without complaining. How was Anna going to live without her sister? She knew it was impossible to even picture that, and slowly the tears spilled over. “Oh Anna, don’t cry over me.” Colette said with a smile. “We promised each other that death wouldn’t tear us apart.” “But Colette, how can I live in a world without you? You have always been there for me.I can’t even spend a day without you.” Anna said. “Yes Anna, I know. Up in heaven I will be feeling empty too.” Colette said.

Anna pulled herself together a bit. “ Colette, I want you to remember that whatever happens, good or bad, I will always love you. I’m not just saying that.” Colette smiled. She held Anna’s hand. “Be strong Anna. I will watch over you. We…..will…..never…….apart” Colette said in a very soft voice. Her breathing had slowed down. Suddenly,her breathing faded to a soft sigh, and gradually stopped.

It took Anna a few second to grasp it, but then she knew. Colette was gone. Anna hugged her sister’s body and cried. Between sobs, she managed to say “I couldn’t save you, I’m sorry Colette.” She cried until all the sadness was gone. Holding her sister’s hand she whispered “I know that you are in my heart, always.” With an emotionless heart, she left the room, Colette’s last words echoing through her mind. She knew that her sister would watch her, forever.

~The End~

The author's comments:
I hope people with little siblings all read this story. Be thankful for those little angels in life!

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