An Exotic Sabotage | Teen Ink

An Exotic Sabotage

January 2, 2014
By MoparFan BRONZE, Lisbon Falls, Maine
MoparFan BRONZE, Lisbon Falls, Maine
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Larry is an Exotic Car Salesman for a Maserati Dealership in London, England. Larry is a respectful person, he cares about all of his customers, and loves his cars. The dealership Larry works for is located on MELTON COURT 25-27 OLD BROMPTON ROAD LONDON SW7 3TD. Larry lives in a small mansion with a 10 car garage and owns several exotic cars, a 1966 Jaguar XJ13, 2013 Mercedes-Benz SLS AMG, 2012 Lamborghini Aventador, 2009 Audi R8 5.2L FSI quattro, 2012 Bently Continental GT, 2009 Rolls Royce Phantom Coupe, and a 2006 Maserati MC12 Corsa.

Larry’s co-workers are your typical ones. There’s Gerry, who is your typical D.O.J- Daily Office Jerk, who is always making insulting jokes about Larry and his other co-workers. Gerry is an arrogant person, has been for three years due to the fact that Larry is selling more cars than he is.

There’s Larry’s boss, Mr. Walters who, when need be, is strict and is never afraid to confront those who are unproductive, which that person is mostly Gerry. There’s Michael, a friend of Larry, who is the type of guy who likes to joke around with his friends but doesn’t push it to the limit like Gerry.

Finally there’s Bob, who is quiet except when he’s with a customer or when he’s with his friends, Larry and Michael. The economy for the Exotic Car sales is great, Larry’s dealership is shipping cars to major US states like New York, Texas, Florida, and California. Not to mention the fact that Larry is living in a small mansion with a 10 car garage, and owns 7 different exotic cars. It was June 18th 2013, a Monday. Larry arrives at his workplace at 6:36AM after his daily morning routine. He walks in and goes to his desk to set-up for the day. Over the past three years, Larry has been more success with car sales than Gerry. This was because Gerry was more concerned with money and so he became greedy and selfish, and started treating his customers like crap. Because Of Gerry’s greediness, whenever he had a customer, he’d either offend them in some way, or do something that would make them request for a different salesperson, therefore his paycheck decreases due to the low number of cars he’d sold. After three years and five days, Gerry just couldn’t take Larry’s successfulness anymore. He decided to make subtle performance altering changes to the cars that Larry would show to his customers.

During the first week Gerry started thinking of ways to sabotage the cars. Some of the things he came up with were things like taking the wires out of the distributor cap, cutting the fuel line, destroying the cars electronic components with an electromagnetic pulse, putting sugar in the fuel tank, and other undetectable things. For the first week, he would take the spark plugs out of the cars that Larry was showing. Even though the dealership’s mechanic fixes the cars, Gerry kept sabotaging the cars. For the second week, Gerry sabotaged the cars by cutting the fuel line and making it look like the line had rotted out. Larry wasn’t sure what was going on, but Bob had noticed Gerry’s “007 wanna-be” behavior, and decided to investigate. Bob was aware of the fact that the exterior cameras didn’t catch all of what occurred outside the dealership, so he bought some surveillance cameras of his own and set them up where nobody could see them. During the third week Gerry started putting sugar in the gas tank, which affects the cars fuel pump performance. One of the cameras that Bob had set up, caught Gerry doing the dirty deed. For the fourth week Gerry would pull some fuses out of the fuse box. He only pulled the most important fuses, but again the camera caught Gerry with the door open taking something out of the cars. Meanwhile, Bob, Larry, and Michael get together and went to the local bar to have a drink and relax.

When they came back from the weekend, Gerry went back to his devious schemes, and for the next two weeks, Gerry mixed water with the oil and the camera caught him. At the end of the two weeks, Bob went to present the evidence to Mr. Walters who was, at the time, interviewing a young lady named Patricia to replace Gerry. Apparently Mr. Walters had been considering firing Gerry, in addition to the possibility of firing Larry due to his unsuccessfulness. Patricia was the ideal person to replace Gerry, she was kind, smart, beautiful, respectful, humble, and a very social person. After the interview, Mr. Walters reviewed the evidence and made his decision regarding Gerry’s termination.

When Mr. Walters had made his decision, he called the Police, then he called Gerry into his office and told him that he was fired. After ten minutes of battling for his job the Police showed up, and Gerry asks why they were at the dealership. Mr. Walters brought Bob in, along with the evidence of Gerry’s crimes, and he showed Gerry the footage. When the video ended, Gerry gave a full confession stating why he did what he did. The Police took him into custody and held him in their station’s prison cell until his case was ready to be reviewed by the Judge. Gerry was tried and convicted of vandalism and malicious damage to multiple motor vehicles, and was then sentenced to serve eight years in the Wandsworth Prison. Larry regained his reputation, Patricia was hired at the dealership, Bob was commended for his justifying acts, and Michael started to make little jokes about how Larry almost lost his job. Mr. Walters explained to Larry’s customers what had happened, and why the cars they were shown weren’t performing to their full potential. The dealerships business returned to normal, in fact it actually increased due to Gerry’s termination and the addition of Patricia.

The End

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