Under the Rug | Teen Ink

Under the Rug

March 18, 2014
By NewYorkMaria BRONZE, Vancouver, Washington
NewYorkMaria BRONZE, Vancouver, Washington
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Relationship above difference

It’s been two weeks and it happened again. This apartment is killing me. Rats, the size of beavers, this is not worth my money. Just because it’s Manhattan doesn’t mean they can’t, well I don’t know, take care of vermins. How many times have I told myself it’s worth it but every time beautiful sights of New York City drag me back and I stay. New York never sleeps, that’s what they tell you, but for me I can only sleep under the charm of the beautiful city song. Watch the sunset on Brighton or simply walk down the Times Square, thinking that one day I will be able to go to Metropolitan and be among the higher people. The Empire State takes me so far out of reality that it looks realistic, all of those dreams. I am back in my apartment, removing my make-up and going to bed. Manhattan isn’t that simple. It’s not just a big apple. It’s a lot more than that. It’s opportunity and I am here to take it. Every nation, it seems, sailed across with dreams to my New York. I don’t care about the rats any more. I go to sleep dreaming.

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