Say Yes To The Dress | Teen Ink

Say Yes To The Dress

March 19, 2014
By Stephanie2015 SILVER, Centerville, Iowa
Stephanie2015 SILVER, Centerville, Iowa
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

This one is pretty.


Oh, you like that one?


Let’s look for colors that would bring out your eyes.


Okay, well maybe your hair. Green would look great!


I give up. What style would you like?


Okay, that helped a little. No poofy dresses. What about this one?


I’m just trying to help.


How about you just pick some out and I’ll give you my opinion on the ones you already like.


I’ll hold them. Start searching.


I thought you said no poofy dresses?


Okay, you should go try some on now. You have enough.


No. Definitely not. That one makes you look like a whale.


What?! It’s dark blue and so poofy that you look ten sizes bigger. I’m just being honest.


Okay. I’m sorry. Next one.


That’s the one. Get it!


It needs some alterations. Shorten the straps a little, maybe bring in the bust. I love it!


Well whatever. It’s your prom dress.


I don’t like that one.


Okay, whatever you say.


I guess it does fit pretty good.


I changed my mind. I like it.

Now just to find some shoes...

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