First Day | Teen Ink

First Day

May 2, 2014
By Anonymous

I woke up to the sounds of banging pots, and my heart suddenly dropped. Today was like every other day. I sat up in my bed and clumsily put on my glasses. I scanned the room to see if anything had changed overnight, but the same items that had been there the night before remained stationary . My posters were still hanging flimsily on the wall, my books were still stacked neatly on my desk, and my life still remained dull and dreary. I could hear my mother faintly calling my name from downstairs. Reluctantly, I got out of my bed and walked down the wide hallway. When I finally reached the steps, I groaned. Recently, simple tasks felt as if it I were climbing a mountain. The therapist told other my mother that I was suffering from the change called adoloscence, but I hold on to the truth that I just hate living. I began to walk slowly down the staircase, then finally walked in the kitchen.

The aroma of sizzling bacon and chocolate chip pancakes drifted into my nose and made my mouth water. My mother was standing over the stove and focusing intently on the meal she was cooking. This sight disturbed me, becuse my mother has always been a lackluster chef. As she looked over her shoulder to grab a utensil from the kitchen island, she realized i had been standing there. She leaped and giggled as if she were a girl. " You scared me John!", she exclaimed. I replied with a meaningless sorry. She turned her focus back towards the stove and said, " I want you to go outside and have some fun on the beach and meet some new people." I knew that whenever she said I want you she really meant you have to. I croaked "Okay."

I remained in the kitchen until it was all done and I have eaten the breakfast she worked so hard to make. Afterwards, I raced back up to my bathroom, took a shower, and threw on a pair of shorts and a plain black t shirt. As I was leving the house, I passed my mother in the hallway and heard her groan, " He really is starting to look like his father." I ignored her comment and walked through the cream doors and into the bright sunlight. The scent of salt water drifted past my nose. I sharply inhaled and began to walk down the sidewalk. I closed my eyes and and focused on being in my room. I imagined the darkness in my room and the silence that would conquer the air. In that moment, I had forgotten that I was still walking on the sidewalk until a sharp pain penetrated my stomach. I bent over and crouched on the ground.

I opened my eyes and looked up to see who and what had hit me. The skinny wheels attached to a gleaming metal object told me that I had ran into a bicycle. Grasping onto the handlebars and standing on the right of the bike, a girl had a worried look on her face. The girl had brown skin and large hazel eyes. Her short curly hair was unkempt and hung in her face as she kneeled to the ground. She looked like she was around my age , about 14 or 15. "Are you okay? I am so sorry I ran into it was a complete accident!", she wailed. I could not reply because I was dumbstruck and taken a back by this one girl. Although she would be considered to have plain features , I believed that she was beautiful. " I'm John," I replied. At first she seemed confused, then her lips parted into a magnificent smile. Her smile was as radiant as the sun and began to make me feel uplifted.

Well, my name is Amelie, she said. I finally stood up and stuck out my hand for a handshake. Amelie clasped my hand and shook vey firmly unlike any other girl I had ever met. I gazed at he hand and looked back into her face. Amelie had now replaced the smile with a hearty grin. Suddenly, I found myself asking her to hang out with me for the day. She agreed. As the morning turned into the afternoon, we walked through the bordwalk and sat on the beach listening to the crashing waves. We talked about our lives, our interests, and other topics. When the sun was beginning to set, I felt as if I would have to wait another lifetime to see her again. As I began to walk away, she shouted my name. I turned around and saw Amelie running towards me. Finally, she reached me and pulled out her IPod and a pair of headphone. "I really want you to listen to this song and think of me," Amelie whispered. She put one earphone into my ear and one into her own. The song began with soft acostics and a sweet melody. Then, a rasping voice traveled into my ears and sang of love, hope and living again. I became mezmerized by the song. I looked up into Amelie's face and saw a feeling of serenity sweep over me. Her eyes were closed and she was swaying the the music. I smiled as I was examining her and listening to this wonderful song. I felt as if I was living through the first day of my life.

The author's comments:
I had been listening to a song called First Day of My Life by Bright Eyes. Every time I listened to it, I felt as if I was waking up and finally realizing to live. I wanted to make a story that shows how someone can be shown what life really means.

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