Mr. Bill | Teen Ink

Mr. Bill

May 7, 2014
By Anonymous

Mr. Bill stared over the edge of the bridge and into the dark blue water far below. He watched as the sweeping currents rushed around the thick cement pilings and continued into the river beyond. The orange and yellow rays of sunlight filtered through the salty air in the distance behind him. Mr. Bill was hungry. He hadn't eaten since yesterday morning, and it was approaching dusk. Some nearby fishermen glanced every once-in-a-while in his direction, but didn’t pay much attention to him. He watched longingly at them, and begged often for food, but the fishermen would only shoo him away. Mr. Bill shuffled his feet on the edge of the bridge. Was it worth being hungry when he didn’t have to be? Mr. Bill pondered the thought carefully for a moment. Out in the water, he noticed a school of fish being terrorized by a group of bloodthirsty predators. He envied those feeding fish, wishing he had something, anything in his stomach. This final observation drove Mr. Bill to a decision. He would no longer suffer the discomfort of starvation. He would end his pain from now on. He gazed at the horizon, his mind made up, and jumped. Mr. Bill is a pelican.

The author's comments:
The moral of the story is: Don't be lazy.'Cause laziness is bad.

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