Conspiracy or coincidence | Teen Ink

Conspiracy or coincidence

May 29, 2014
By chanel.l BRONZE, Coronado, California
chanel.l BRONZE, Coronado, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was the daunting Friday the thirteenth, believed to be a day of mishaps and peculiar occurrences. My sister, Ali, who is not one to believe in these kind of suspicions, found herself questioning her beliefs of Friday the 13th .The start of the day was no different than any other. Ali just received her license, but still was a dreadful driver. Being newly licensed she bagged my mom to let her use the car. My mom refused to let her take the car and there was no persuading her. The car was a red, nine years old, beat up min van with worn out seats and tinted windows. Ali, not caring took the tattered old car out anyways, once my mom left for work. She drove fifteen miles until; she noticed smoke slithering out of the car’s engine. She pulled to the closest gas station and lifted the front to see what the problem was. The engine was like a thousand piece jigsaw puzzle to her and had no choice but to call my mom. When she called, my mom was furious and shocked but eventually came to get the car. Once she arrived she figured out the engine blew out and there was no hope for repair and had to be toted.

Since this event occurred on Friday the 13th it makes me second-guess the suspicions. Since our car was old and bound to break down, it might have just been a coincidence that the car broke down on the 13th. The odds of the car breaking down on such a makes me question my doubt of Friday the 13th .

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