Ashlyn and Michelle terrible-horrible-no-good-very-bad fight | Teen Ink

Ashlyn and Michelle terrible-horrible-no-good-very-bad fight

May 30, 2014
By Anonymous

“Why did you tell him?” Ashlyn said with rage. Her face was redder than an apple.

“Well he needed to know! You talk about him all the time. I wouldn’t be surprised if you started dreaming about him at night!” Michelle yelled back imagining running as fast as she could and as far as she could without ever having to go back.

“You know I don’t even know why we are friends, Michelle! I just don’t know!” Ashlyn said realizing that Ashlyn was pointing at Michelle and that Ashlyn was all sweaty. “By the way you can forget coming to my sleepover tonight, your totally uninvited!”

“I don’t want to-“

Ashlyn interrupted Michelle saying, “I’m done talking to you!”

Michelle was so mad Ashlyn didn’t even give her a chance to explain.

As I went out of the science room I swung my gold hair and beautiful, bright blue dress with flowers on it. I was trying to get to English on time. I was so upset. I never meant for anybody to know who she liked. Well, except for Michelle.

“I can’t believe stupid, bratty Michelle would tell everyone that I like him! Why did she tell? I thought I could trust her. I’ve always been able to trust her. “I didn’t realize it but I was talking to myself aloud and stomping my feet. “I wonder if our mothers fought as much as we do. I wonder if Michelle and I will ever be best friends again.”

During English class I didn’t do anything I just messed around with the slip that I had to get my mom to sign because I was late… again. All I wanted to do was go home. The terrible-horrible-no-good-very-bad fight replayed in my mind. The class was learning about synonyms. I don’t care at all about synonyms, Ashlyn thought.

I rode the bus home that day as I usually do there was a fight like there usually is, and I was home two hours later than I usually am.

“Was there another fight?” is exactly what my mom said when I walked in the kitchen to get an after school snack.

“Yes,” I said flatly. And to make my day even better there were no raspberries.
“Is something wrong, Sugar Britches?”

“No, I’m fine. Just tired I guess.”

“Okay Ashlyn, but remember we can always talk.”

“I know Mom.”

At school the next day and many days after that Michelle and I would just turn cold shoulders if we saw each other. Finally I had to walk up to her. I just couldn’t do this anymore. We were acting like we were five year olds.

“Ashlyn,” she said as she picked a book about whales in the library.

“Michelle…. Why did you do it? Why?”

“Did it because he likes you Ashlyn! He was and still is just afraid to admit it.” Michelle blurted out.

“But?” Ashlyn said in disbelief. Neither of them had realized the librarian had told them to hush.

“I guess he told everyone, but he likes you!”

“I’m sorry I didn’t realize that you were doing this for me!”

“I’m sorry I didn’t realize you were doing that for me.”

They didn’t have to say anything more, they hugged and knew all this was over, Michelle and Ashlyn were best friends again.

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