Rainy Eyes | Teen Ink

Rainy Eyes

August 16, 2014
By chloe44 BRONZE, Clinton, New York
chloe44 BRONZE, Clinton, New York
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"This planet does not need more successful people. This planet desperately needs more peacemakers, healers, restorers, storytellers, and lovers of all kinds." -Dalai Lama

My socks were wet. Maybe because I was in the rain. Maybe because of my tears which I let trickle from my eyes to my chin and which then proceeded to drop and seep into the cotton of my socks. It’s very uncomfortable to have wet socks. It’s not even that bad when your shirt is wet, or your scarf, or your hat, but socks are just repulsive when they’re moist. I wiggled my toes because the drops of water from the sky and from my leaking eyes were making them cold and I figured that if I kept wiggling them they wouldn’t fall off. No one came to sit next to me. I kept watching the door, waiting for someone to peek out the small window, give me a sympathetic look, and come join me and comfort the tears away from my eyes. But it stayed shut. It had never looked so absolutely shut before. Maybe I had to comfort myself. I attempted to pat myself on the back but my arm wasn’t long enough to reach so I gave up and focused on wiggling my toes. I stopped staring at the door because it was so closed and it made me feel closed so I looked at the sky. It was gray but I could see the drops falling quickly from the clouds. It seemed like they were all aimed at me. Many landed on my face and mixed with my tears until it seemed like the rain was coming out of my eyes. I turned back toward the door. It was still shut. I wondered why I was here if nobody would even open the door to see me. I wondered what the point of me was if no one even cared enough to stop the rain that was seeping from my eyes down to my socks. I wiggled my toes again. I wondered if I mattered.

The author's comments:
I came up with the first sentence and everything was just based off of that. The story doesn't have anything to do with my life or personal experiences but I assume that somewhere someone has been in this situation. SO I guess this is for that person :)

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This article has 1 comment.

Roddur BRONZE said...
on Aug. 21 2014 at 4:56 am
Roddur BRONZE, Dhaka, Other
4 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
If &#039;nobody&#039;; can get there.<br /> I will be &#039;nobody&#039;<br /> I ain&#039;t stepping back.

You are pretty good at this. Keep it up.