Only You | Teen Ink

Only You

August 24, 2014
By sissammi PLATINUM, Omaha, Nebraska
sissammi PLATINUM, Omaha, Nebraska
25 articles 0 photos 6 comments


She thinks and thinks of him just him nothing else, every thought filled with him; his smile, his voice and every other imperfection that he prefects. Smiling at every detail, but then realizing he has another love. Even though, you will love them so much more and purely. But life sucks so you just come back and face the boring hell, they call "life." While everyone else is loving, going to parties, drinking, your just there listening wishing you could do the same, at least some of it. You wish someone would even look at you and think "wow she's gorgeous,"  but of course nope never has happened and never will. All your friends say "but your so cute, funny, sweet, talented there just stupid you'll find something or someone" but you know as hard as you try or if you don't even try at all nothings goon be the bed; no show choir, no love, no solo, no star, no flirts, nothing everyones always better than you always. So, i guess you just have to focus on the little things and love every second even if it sucks because you do know your beautiful, sweet, loving, empathic, talented just no one can see it, but you….

The author's comments:

I gave myself a topic and a character and made this; I think its pretty relatable too.

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