Loyalty | Teen Ink


September 26, 2014
By Dwan Quinn BRONZE, New Orleans, Louisiana
Dwan Quinn BRONZE, New Orleans, Louisiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

ver the last few years people that I least expected ,stabbed me right in the back.Somedays I would just sit and think about what made me trust those individuals in the first place.As my mind explored throught the darkness of my thick skull,I saw many images of the good times ,but at the paticular moment all i was able to think about was the hatred i had built inside of my golden muscle.The feeling i felt was devastated and coldhearted..
      I can just reminisce about all the supposed to be good times,clouded with lies.When hard obstacles occur,I try my best to recover like a torn ACL.Its important to recover so that you won`t ruin the next good person that enters your life.Its important to surround yourself with positive and loyal friends.         
I can remember this gloomy day like it was yesterday.There were  many people in attendance filled with passion and pride.They started to scream as loud as they could ,when the team made a grand entrance through the snazzy fireworks.This was by far the biggest pop warner game I`ve ever played in.This was our biggest rilvary because they were old coaches and players that left our park in dispair.This was just more than a game ,it was history and strictly business.I stared my old coaches and teamates down as the smurk on their faces mad me angry.Due to their optimistic behavior ,i was bound to put most of their players through opression .On every play i imagined all of the days the players and i went through hard days of practice with the same coaches.I felt tormented as they paraded on to the field. Said remarks that left me in dispair.This pop warner game would prove to my old teammates and coaches that we were simply, the better team. I tried to ignore the remarks but as a 12 year old,there wasn`t much that i could do.Every insult that was thrown at me,was intercepted by my teammates.After we had one 16-0 ,with one touchdown from me , I would contemplate. I thought about the difference between my new and old teammates.My mind journeyed all night about the reality of being loyal.That night made me realize that in order to forget i have to forgive instantly. The one touchdown I scored symbolised all the effort I put into perservering through obstacles at  such a young age.As I stepped foot in the endzone ,I felt as if I was the most powerful human being on the planet.

  Trusting the wrong people can be a big mistake,but a valuable lesson.Without trust there is no way you can be loyal.Trust doesn`t just happen ,it comes from a certain bond between two or more individuals.Trust has the power to introduce

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