The short story of my life | Teen Ink

The short story of my life

October 3, 2014
By Makayla Sorrow BRONZE, Grover, North Carolina
Makayla Sorrow BRONZE, Grover, North Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The Short Story of My Life

                   In 2009, I “Roxy,” lived in Grover, North Carolina with my real mom Rose, dad Kenny, Step mom Toni, Step brother Eric, and my Aunt Ann. I have an older sister who lives in Toledo, Ohio, her name is Wendy. I love my family a lot and I don’t know what I would do without them.
                  One day I went over to my real mom’s house and she had her oxygen mask on. The oxygen mask helps her to breathe better. When she got through using it she started to smoke again. We told her that she needed to stop smoking, but she was so hard-headed that she wouldn’t. The next day we went over, my mom couldn’t breathe, so my Aunt Ann called 9-1-1 to come get her. The woman in the ambulance said that my mom has to be put in the hospital for a while to be monitored. I asked the woman is she was going to be alright and she said yes. A few days later my mom stops breathing, so they had to put her on a machine that breathes for her. When she starts to breathe on her own they take her off of it. A couple of days later she starts to get worse, and they tell us that they are not expecting her to live much longer. On September 18, 2009, my mom passes away. When I find out about it, I tell my step mom and my dad that I don’t want to keep on going without my mom. My step mom and my dad tell me not to say that because everything will be alright. I wish I could see my mom one more time so that I can tell her I love her and miss her. My step mom tells me that I will see her again when I pass and go to heaven, but in the mean time I can look at pictures that I have of her. I tell her that it’s hard to just look at her in pictures without talking to her. Then my step mom tells me that I can talk to her, but I just can’t hear her talk back to me. Then I just smile and try not to cry.

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