Dream Vacation? | Teen Ink

Dream Vacation?

October 23, 2014
By Anonymous

It was a normal Sunday morning, Schiphol Amsterdam was crowded as every day. People from all over the world were shopping, waiting or running to be on time for their flight. You could feel the energy from the people who are excited for their vacation, even at 7 in the morning. Flight KLM 1708 was about to take off.

“Is this normal, or do we need to get worried?” Allison asked Matthew, after her drink fell over her legs because the airplane was shaking from left to right.
“Yes sweetheart, you need to get used to it because we have to be in this small, cold and stinky spot for 16 more hours,” Matthew answered, helping her with cleaning up.
“I don’t know if I can do that, I feel very nauseous,” sighed Allison.
“Try to sleep honey, and everything will be ok.” He smiled back to her with that beautiful laugh he made her fell in love with 7 years ago. The dimples in his cheekes that showed up next to his shiny white teeths made Allison get butterflies in her stomach when they met for the first time. Allison and Matthew live together in a small Apartment near Amsterdam for 4 years and they are totally in love. They saved all their money to make this dream trip to Indonesia, and now it’s finally time.

After the 21-hour flight, Matthew woke up Allison with a little kiss on her cheek. “Come on honey,” he whispered. The first Indonesian breeze they felt after they stepped out of the airplane, made Allison feel even worse. It was humid and they could feel the dirt that floats through all the streets of this unclean country, filled with old busses and tuk-tuks.
“Do you smell the same as I do? the smell on the street is horrible here Matt, I feel so sick!” she coughed.
“Don’t worry, you will feel better after a good night of sleep,” Matthew said a little worried.

The next morning Alisson woke up in their apartment in Bali from the smell of fresh baked croissants, filled with ham, cheese and bacon. Matt walked out of the shower, drying his hair after his trip to the local supermarket next street. “Good morning honey, I thought you deserved your favorite breakfast after that long trip yesterday.” He whispered after he gave her a kiss as every normal morning. “Make yourself ready for our first day in Indonesia, I can’t believe we are here. Our dream is coming true.” Allison didn’t eat the because her belly still felt weird. It will get better after some medicine, she thought unknowing.

An hour later, they were walking hand in hand out of the apartment. “Is it just me, or does this building look different then on the Internet Matt? It looks like it is older,” noticed Allison.   “I don’t know, as long as it gives me a place to sleep, I don’t have a problem with it,” Matthew answered uninterested.

“Yes I know, I was just wondering,” Allison mumbled as she stepped in the old white bus, smelling the dirty gas on the streets. Once they are in the bus, totally stuffed with local people, Matthew is trying to get the pamphlets of the National Elephant Park out of his brand new backpack.

“I am so excited Allison,” he said while he is showing her the story and the pictures about the oldest elephant in Indonesia. Allison is quiet the whole ride, looking outside the window with a blank stare. That made Matthew feel nervous.
“Are you ok?” he asked her, before asking if she felt well enough to ride the elephants.
“Yes I think so.” She laughed doubtfully.

After Allison and Matthew waited for an hour in the burning sun, what didn’t help Allison’s condition, they took a ride on the elephants in the National Elephant Park at Bali. The tour guide lead the elephants through the park and told a lot of facts about all the banana trees, sloughs and rice fields while he was trying to keep the big grey, hairy and wrimply animals on their course. “This was so cool! We are blessed we could do this! How are you Allison? You still look tired.” Matthew put his arm around her shoulder while he asked her with an anxious tone.
“Yes I am, let’s go back to the apartment, I need to rest,” she answered him with a painful face and her arms crossed.

The next morning Matthew woke up next to Allison who was sitting right up on the bed. “I think I need to tell you something Matt. I don’t know if you expect this but don’t be shocked. We can do this together, everything will be fine. Actually I expected this already, you know I didn’t feel good the last days so I went to the store this morning and now I know it for sure. I think this is even more excited than our great vacation here. What I want to say to you Matt, I’m pregnant. 3 Months already!,” and after that it was quiet. An awkward silence filled the room.  Matthew was staring at Allison, who was sitting there smiling and waiting for a reaction. A thousand things were crossing Matt’s mind and he could only think of 1 thing.
“Aren’t you excited Matt? Say something!” Allison said expectantly.
“Uhh, I don’t know what to say,” he stuttered.
“I know you didn’t expect it, just as me, but think about it! Wouldn’t it be great, you and I raising up our own little baby in our own house build up a real family life. I know you would be a really good father. ” Matt didn’t say anything but kept staring at her. “What’s going on honey?” she asked.
“Who was it Allison? Just say it. Don’t come with excuses, I totally understand this. Just say his name that’s all I want to know.” She could hear him breathing and saw the anger in his eyes.
“What do you mean Matthew? Whose name?”

“No no no, don’t do this to me. You know what I’m talking about Allison. Maybe you don’t know everything about me but I’m smart enough to understand this. This baby can’t be mine, that’s not possible. Don’t deny it because you know I’m right. Aren’t I?!” The expression on Allison’s face changed, this was not what she expected.
“I’m so sorry Matthew. It’s not about you, it’s just..”
“What is it? Tell me everything about it, am I not good enough for you? I’m done with you!” he screamed while Allison’s teardrops fell in silence on the white sheets.

He left the apartment and started walking through the busy, stinky and packed streets of Bali. Walking for hours with a straight face. The local people in the streets were trying to talk to Matthew to sell their self-made Indonesian sarongs and slippers, but Matthew didn’t listen. He could only think about Allison. Why did she cheat on him? Did he not give her what she wanted? Was she ever planning to tell this to him? All the questions where spinning through his head.

When Matthew came back in the apartment. Allison was sitting on bed, holding a pillow against her belly and staring at the wall. “You’re home!” She said happy. “Where did you went? Are you ok? Let me explain everything to you Matt.”
“You don’t need to explain Allison, I know enough. We are done. We go home in 3 days, then we forget everything and start our own new life, without each other. I don’t need to see you anymore as soon as we are back home.” Said Matthew calm fully. He was sitting on the bed, playing bored with the zipper of his jacket, shaking his head from left to right because he was totally done with everything. He was done with this vacation and done with his girlfriend. Allison didn’t know what to say about it. She knew he was not going to change his mind. That’s how Matthew is; true to his words. She messed up everything and she accepted his decision. He is a good guy and she doesn’t deserve him.

The next days were very awkward. They looked at each other even that their eyes never met, they talked and touched each other even it was very uneasy. Allison felt that Matthew was angry. In his short, laconic words and reactions . He didn’t really talk to her anymore and avoided Allison by doing all things opposite of her. Allison still felt very sick of her pregnancy and stayed in the apartment every day. She lay on the bed, looking at the colorful tweeting chickaks at the walls, waiting and hoping for Matthew to come back late at night.

The last vacation day in Bali was a long day for both. Matthew came back around dinner time what he hadn’t done the days before. He was tired of feeling empty, the feelings of shame, anger and confusion were mixing up. “Shall we go out for dinner?” Allison asked hopeful. She was also ashamed, but she still loved Matthew.

“You know what we are going to do Allison? We are going to do nothing! I don’t want to be with you anymore. And you don’t want me, that’s clear after I found out what you did to me. I’m so disappointed in you.” Matthew shouted causing Allison to start crying again. “I hate this vacation. I hate this whole country. Everything smells bad, the people are poor and pushful, I don’t like that. This apartment is old, not clean small and stuffy. I want to go home.” Said Matthew annoyed. “And you know what’s the worst thing? That i’m here with you! The woman I loved for 7 years, the woman I wanted to spend the rest of my life with, the woman who cheated on me!”
Allison knew he was totally right and kept crying in silence while she sat on the end of the bed, glimpsed at Matt who was packing his stuff messy and fast. She felt guilty but it was too late.

The next morning they woke up for the flight home. After a fast check through the apartment Matthew carried the luggage downstairs. Alisson hobbled behind him. They did not have a lot time because the department time was changed. “Hurry up Allison,” shouted Matt.

They had to wait outside for the bus to the airport. Alisson sat on her pink suitcase in the warm upcoming sun, reading the airport information on her phone.

“Matthew! I think we are not going to make it. The internet updated the gates are already closed for our flights.”
“Are you kidding? This is not funny! Let me read it.” After he saw it he ran into the reception and called to the airport.
“We need to get the next flight sir, you can’t understand how important this flight is for us. We need to go home, when is the next possibility for us to go?” Allison heard him asking on the phone inside, shaked her head while she watched the luggage carefully because the local people in Indonesia love ‘free stuff’.

“No! That’s not an option, we can’t stay here another week, you have to do something for us, please.”

After the phone call Matthew came back outside with a sad face. “Sunday is the first flight, that’s 6 days more surviving at this horrible place. Let’s go inside again,” Matthew sighed while he was lifting his backpack. Back in the apartment Allison started to talk.

“You know Matt, I just want to say that I love you. The reason I lied to you is because I simply love you. You are the man of my dreams. I can’t imagine a life without you. I knew it was not the right thing to do but it cleared my mind. Now I realize you are the only one I want to be with. We have so much more things to do. I know this was our dream vacation and I changed it to the worst vacation we could think of, but I love you.” And this was the first time Matt really listened to her. He listened but didn’t answered. He was looking in the pamphlets to find some activities for the next 6 days he had to stay here, but he was not really paying attention to it. He was thinking about the things Allison said to him and that made him feel weird. His feelings were mixed. He knew she was honest and ashamed about what she had done to him. He looked at her and suddenly there was it. The feeling he had 7 years ago. The feeling he got when he looked in her blue eyes while she waved her chocolate brown hair over her shoulder, in the bar where they met for the first time. The butterflies were back and he felt amazing.

“I know it Allison,” he smiled to her. “I know you love me, and you know I love you. We build up so much the last 7 years and I realized I can’t let you go. We have so many good memories together and I want to make a lot more of those with you The last days without talking, kissing and hugging where horrible. I missed you even you was here.” Allison stood up and fell in his arms, the same as she did 7 years ago. He pushed her back and Allison looked shocked. What is he going to do?

“I need to know 1 thing All, all I need to hear is a simple yes or no. Will you marry me? You are the love of my life.” Allison started crying and laughing at the same time. “What do you think Matt? YES!” This was the best vacation ever, and I’m the luckiest girl in the world, she thought while she hugged Matt with a big smile on her face.

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