The Stress | Teen Ink

The Stress

November 12, 2014
By inZswim BRONZE, Berwyn, Pennsylvania
inZswim BRONZE, Berwyn, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Life is like a pool you cant see what ahead or whats down

I remember the day my parents divorced. It was a disgraceful day. it was like the world died, the birds didn't sing, it was a rainy cloudy day and nobody enjoyed it. my dad got remarried right after it and he was fine but i wasnt. i was living in New York city with my dog named pal and my 5 year old sister ana.

“Josh Canopy”, Ana said,” Look at me do you like my dress!”
“Sure”, i said back knowing that i didn't even look.
“ You didnt even look Josh you should know mommy wouldn't like that”.
I may have snapped here but… “ Mommy isnt even here any more nobody loves us anymore there's nothing that could cheer me up!”, “Now go away!”.
My sister started crying immediately after that and ran to her room. Yes, i felt bad but i felt worse. It was like My soul died and came back to life so i am all achy and tired and upset. I didnt want to go to school with him driving me. The dad that broke my heart and tried to make it up to me.
i remember the night that my dad left my mom. My dad was throwing chairs and threatening us. it was scary. he was destroying the house. tearing down walls. throwing stuff. yelling words that i should have never heard or ever be said. The next day my dad was still standing in the same spot and looking like he stayed up all night, which he did.
it was the end of summer and school was starting up  i didn't want to go my summer wa already bad enough with my parents divorced. when my father woke me up for my first day of school first he got me up nicely. then he was starting to yell. then he blew his top. and then he quit trying. i had won but i knew i had to go to school so i got my stuff ready and went out to the bus and left. I didn't like the bus, not one bit. because i had no friends ever since the divorce i yelled them off to get new friends and now i was starting over.
“ Hey dork face” said a old friend of mine
“ i think you are sitting in the wrong seat” he paused, “see this is my seat now get little rascal !” he pushed me out of the seat and onto the filthy ground
“yup this is going to be a lovely school year”, i said to myself
“hey dork face i can still hear you if you keep talking to yourself people are going to think you're crazy”.
everyone laughed at his so funny joke and then they were going to laugh at me which i was already out of the bus door. i could still hear them still laughing but i didn't care. i was walking to my locker fast so they didn't catch up to me and so i didn't get yelled at for running. once i got to my locker i did my combo and shoved my stuff in my locker and shoved my locker closed then i saw the one. i saw a girl. a very very pretty girl. she was my height blonde hair and brown eyes. cute glasses and i knew she was going to be my date.
And then he happened. his old friend went up to that pretty girl and asked her out. i was so cranked. i was stamping my foot and losing it but then i saw him run away crying. I was so happy from that moment forward. i just realised. he got rejected. I was planning my ask out plan all day. to go up to her with flowers the next day and ask her to the school dance and he knew it was a risk but i  had to try.
So the next day i woke up and got myself ready for the day. got myself in better looking clothes. eated a mans meal, which is fried eggs. and went out to the bus with my flowers. i would ask her out during lunch so everyone could see i am a caring person not some freak. so that dy i got more nervous by the period and finally the time came. so at lunch i went up to the pretty girl and said

“ uhhhhhhh… he i was wondering if yooooouuuuuuuuu would ummmmmm… go to the dance with m on friday”. but of course i got rejected in front of the whole entire school and i was so sad. but she whispered to me and said meet here at the end of the day. so i did. when i went back to the cafeteria she was there with the flowers that i gave her.

“yeah hi” she said “i am sorry for rejecting you in front of the whole school i just didnt want to do the unpopular thing and if you dont want to go out with me i would understand.”
“Oh” i said” well i dont mind as long as we end up dating you know”
“YAY” she said excitedly and she hugged me and that was the hug that released all of the stress of the divorce and my future. 

The author's comments:

Good emotional piece

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