The First Day Of The 7th Grade | Teen Ink

The First Day Of The 7th Grade

November 18, 2014
By Anonymous

First Day of the 7th Grade   

I woke up knowing that I was going to have a bad day. It was the first day of school and I was new. I'm twelve, so you can guess what grade I'm in. Yep 7th. It's a bit scary because I have to walk from class to class and I don't know the building that well. I just hope it ends quickly. I decided to eat very plain because I have a very sensitive stomach so just a small amount of a certain type of food can give me a really bad stomach ache. I ate my breakfast, took a shower and walked to the bus stop to meet some new kids. I don’t know if my long brown hair would make kids not like me. Or my blue eyes that my mom always say are amazing. I didn’t know if my braces would make people not like me. I sure didn’t like them. I didn’t know why i’m worrying so much. You know how on that first day of school your mom always makes you wear something fancy to impress the teachers. Well not my mom. I was wearing a blue hoodie and jeans with skateboarding shoes. I was walking towards the corner where a ton of kids were waiting for the bus. I clearly didn't think this through because there was a lot of kids at the bus stop. None seemed my age and I probably wasn't looking at the right kids. If there were kids my age I would be too shy to talk to them anyway.
              When I got to class I sat by myself and didn't talk to anyone. I was just waiting till the bell rang, but then, two kids sat next to me and said,
              " Hi." Me being shy I just looked at him.
" I'm Aaron and this is Robert." he said to me. I finally said hi and we talked for a bit. Later a kid named Johnny sat by us because all of the other seats were taken.
Then when the bell rang our teacher Mr. Brown talked to us about what we will be doing and what we will do every day. Later he told us that we will go to the front of the room and sit down for a little lesson to help us with reading or writing depending on what day it is. Later we went to the front of the room and had a little lesson. It was about
writing and reading and about the supplies we need and what the class will be about. Later we worked on our writing skills and wrote a paragraph about something we did or have done. When we were done we shared to the class and then Mr.Brown let us talk for the last couple of minutes of class. So I talked to Aaron and Robert about my last schools and the sports and video games I like. Then the bell rang and I stayed with Johnny while Aaron and Robert went to their next class.
       Johnny and I and two other kids waited for the next bell to ring. I talked to Johnny about sports and video games. Three more kids walked into the room, not at the same time, but they were all in the class before the bell rang. We waited a couple minutes before Mr.Brown walked in and told us that before we do anything we were going to organize his library. Most of us groaned, but I was kind of happy. A class with no work except organizing a library. It wasn't really bad, we just grabbed stacks of books and then put them away in a small room. We didn't finish, but we got about half of the books put away in a room. The bell would ring in a couple of minutes, so we put away a couple more stacks and sorted most of them. Later we all talked as a class about stuff and our summer. Then the bell rang and it was time for lunch.
       Then apparently Johnny eats early lunch with me on Tuesdays so I sat next to him and met most of his friends. Like is said I got pizza and it tasted kind of bad. The sauce tasted weird and the pizza was really stale. I took a couple of bites, then decided to eat my carrots as a main course instead of pizza. I ate all but a couple of the carrots. I drank all of my apple juice and then I decided to eat my cookies. They were really good and I knew I would eat them again tomorrow or something. Later we had recess and I went with Johnny to the hill by our school with his friends and we just ran around and talked to each other. I met one of Johnny's friends named Tony and he was really funny and talkative. He said the funniest things and told the funniest stories. Then the bell rang and we all raced each other to the school and I got third. I was kind of excited for home base because Johnny and Tony are in my home base.
       I went to my locker and got my stuff for my fifth hour class and then I went to home base. I sat down next to one of Johnny's friends named Drake. He had glasses and all he brought to home base was a book and himself. He was really nice and we talked before the bell rang and when it did our teacher told us to be quiet while she was going to read us a book. The whole home base went so slow but the book wasn't that bad. I enjoyed the book so far and I was excited for the rest of the book. I can't remember the name of the book, but it was really good. So when home base was coming closer to an end our teacher told us we could talk for the last five minutes of home base. I talked to Johnny, Tony and Drake before the bell rang.
       Our math teacher was very nice and she said that this week we were going to get assigned seats and teams to work with for a month or two. We had a short math introduction lesson for class and we worked on multiplying fractions, turning fractions into decimals, and other math stuff that I don't understand. I'm not that good at math, I want to be better, but I can't help it I just suck at math. The only thing in math I'm good at is multiplying and dividing whole numbers. It's really hard for me to do other things in math so this year I hope to get better. I sat by a kid on my bus that I didn't know was in my grade. Barry was funny like most kids I met earlier that day. He had glasses and wore hoodies a lot like me. We talked a lot so I knew we weren't going to be sitting next to each other for the assigned seats. Class technically ended and we didn't get any homework or math book or anything. I talked to Barry for a bit while waiting for the bell to ring. We talked about video games before the bell rang  and then I had Choir.
       Now let me get this straight, this class is probably going to be the part with the most dialogue with the most dialogue. It's not the lyrics and it's not what I'm saying to people, it's what the troublemakers were arguing about to the teacher. Now these kids aren't just normal troublemakers, they are horrible. All they do is talk and be mean to the teachers. Now let's talk about class. I walked into a huge room with a lot of chairs set out in rows. So me and some other kids were already there, but not a lot. I wondered if this was all of the people in the class. Lucky for me it wasn't and Robert walked in the door a minute after I got to class. He sat next to me and I asked about how class goes. Robert had choir last year so he knew how it would go. He told me that we will get folders and learn songs for the entire class most of the time. We also have a thing where kids go up to the front of the room and sing a song of their choice. I thought that was cool, but I knew I would be to nervous to go up. Later the bell rang and everyone went silent. A couple seconds later the teacher walked into the classroom. She was very nice and talked about what we were going to do this year. It sounded fun and interesting, so I was looking forward to the rest of choir. Then one of the troublemakers, Sam, had to smart off and say that choir was boring. I didn't know what the teacher was going to say.
               " Go into the hall until I have time to speak to you." she said kindly.
               " Don't tell me what to do." Sam snapped back.
               " Go into the hall before I call the office and your parents." she said back. Sam backed off. He was afraid of getting in trouble. I don't know why he even risks getting in trouble. The rest of class was a blur and I knew that it was going to an interesting year.
       Then Aaron was in my science class so I was happy. I sat by Aaron, Johnny and Walter. Apparently Walter went paint balling and he was really good at it. I talked to them until the bell rang. In science we did a card thing were whatever was on the card you had to do. I got a bad so when the teacher asked if anyone wanted to change card they could my hand shot straight up. I got a new card and it said to run around in circles on the floor. It was kind of embarrassing but it made people laugh so I didn't care. I was just glad I didn't have to the other card. I can't remember what it was but I remember it was a bad one. Then after that we learned a little about a fish that lived in Lake Michigan. Our teacher said that we were going to dissect them in a week or two. That was exciting news. I had never dissected anything before. So we learned more about the fish and what it ate and what ate it. So we were allowed to talk for the rest of class. I talked to Aaron, Johnny, and Walter because I felt like it. We talked about how the first day of school was and how we were excited for summer to happen. In my head while they were talking I knew that I wasn't excited for summer. I would miss my friends and the 7th grade. Yeah there was bound to be some bad things happening in the year but hey, what's the worse that could happen.  
       I went to my locker and got my stuff and pulled my phone out and earbuds. I was ready to listen to music. On the bus I sat next to Barry and he introduced me to DJ. " Hi. I'm Marc." I told him. DJ was just his initials. His real name was Dan but he liked to be called DJ. Later on the bus I knew I had to be the bus clown. I know it's not a real thing but hey, it could be fun. I knew that making the people on my bus laugh would be so much fun. Later when it was my stop I talked to DJ at the bus stop for a couple minutes then left. When I was walking home from the bus stop I turned on my music and started to think. about what happened that day. I knew I would have a great year. And maybe I wanted to go back tomorrow, I don't know. But all I have to say is I definitely had a good day.

The author's comments:

It was based off of my first day of 7th grade but not exactly. The characters names are not real and I did this for privacy of their lives. I hope you enjoyed my story.

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