Come Back | Teen Ink

Come Back

November 13, 2014
By Derrius Mitchell BRONZE, Lewisville, Texas
Derrius Mitchell BRONZE, Lewisville, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Let’s go Carter, Let’s go!

The crowd is oozing with suspense and joy cheering so loud you thought people a mile away could hear it. This is a high school basketball game against the Masonville Mustangs and some other team. Nobody really came to see the other team; they just came to see the number one team in the nation the Masonville Mustangs. Actually nobody really came to see them either the real reason people came, why the stands were packed. Was their best player which, also was the best individual player in the nation.

As you know his name is Carter James and he could everything dribble, shoot, rebound, and play in the low post. So it’s their first game of the season and they’re tearing up this team as expected. End of the third quarter that’s when it all went wrong. Carter gets a steal and starts flying towards his goal nobody in front of him, and the crowd’s cheering already knowing what he’s about to do. He gets faster and faster then takes off from the free throw line, yes the free throw line.

He keeps on going soaring higher and higher, till it looks like he’s touching the gym ceiling. Then he slammed the ball in with one hand so furiously you thought the backboard was going to break. Only that’s not what broke his leg on the other hand was different. He just came down on it wrong but everybody knew it was bad, really bad. Maybe because the screaming and the crying, oh and his leg being bent the other way. But everybody knew this as well he was going to have to make a great come back.

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