The Hard Winter | Teen Ink

The Hard Winter

November 13, 2014
By Kyle_C BRONZE, Lewisville, Texas
Kyle_C BRONZE, Lewisville, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was December 25th the snow was falling near the Washington state court house there was a man in the witness chair pointing at a man in the accused side of the crime in the court house, children in their winter cats were looking through the window into the court hose with a awe-inspiring stare when they heard the words from the man in the witness stand. Inside the court house was men getting ready to throw something at the man in the accused chair maybe a apple core maybe a piece of wadded paper, the women looked like they were going to throw up when they heard what the witness said. The man in the chair was shocked what he was hearing because the fact was that he was not the man to do the crime of what they explained it was not him who did it in fact he knew the real criminal personally it was his own friend George Thomas, George was a big buff man who was known for his violent outburst in public situations, so when that man who was found mangled could only be a sigh of what he was capable of doing so when they came to his house he said it wasn’t him it was his friend Jack Rider, Jack rider stood there in the court room he was a 6 foot high man with almost no meat on him at all he had a good family he would do nothing to abandoned even if it meant getting picked on and not doing anything back but shrugging it off but when the police came to his house on the cold December day to tell him he was under arrest for the murder of Gage Woodard he was so shocked that he almost ran through the cops to his car and drive off, but he didn’t he called his wife and 5 year old daughter and explained he was leaving for a while and turned around and stuck out his hands for them. The day he went to court he was sure he never would harm somebody at all but then in his head he knew someone that would do something so vial his friend George.

   Once he saw George on the witness stand he was intrawled by anger he wanted to point him out but they would never believe him because he went to jail once for a murder before he settled down with his wife but he knew something was wrong when he saw George because George was a horrible liar then from the crash of a window and a bang from a gun George fell down on the stand and was pronounced dead from the wound to his chest. The court room was silent except for the screeching tires of the Chevy of the husband of Gage Woodard.

The author's comments:

The men and woman never saw what would happen that day

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