Paintball the story of the championship | Teen Ink

Paintball the story of the championship

November 18, 2014
By Ejbholditdown BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
Ejbholditdown BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

As I was in the field pinned down behind a tree taking fire I saw the paintballs flying past my face. I even saw my teammates firing at the enemy almost hitting them, but failing “Hey Ethan, you still in the game” yelled the leader of our squad “Ya im still in” I yelled back as I snapped into focus “Well lay some cover fire for us were all going to run to the fields” our squad leader yelled.


So I got out of my hiding spot and laid fire and hit their best player. At the corner of my eye I could see my teammates, they are signaling me to get to the fields I respond with a thumbs up and run for the fields. I could feel the intensity as I was running toward the field with people firing at me with balls of paint.


When I got to the field the guys were talking to me “Nice job Ethan” excitedly yelled one of our recruits “Nice job Co-Leader” yelled our second rookie “hey guys shut up we still have a long way to go” shouted our squad leader. As we started rushing to the hills we got some enemy fire, they got our two rookies, but there still is me our squad leader and the lieutenant.


Me and the rest of my group started rushing toward the field again until we got jumped “Hey Wisconsin's ain't so tough now that you're trapped here are ya” the enemy squad leader yelled “We might be cornered but we are still strong” yelled our squad leader “ya” I said.


  The wind was loud and really cold “Hey how bout we make a trade with ya your Co-Leader for your freedom” there lieutenant whispered to their squad leader “Good idea lieutenant” whispered their squad leader “No we will never do it” but at that moment a person from the enemy squad used his trigger finger on a tree to show what his gun can do to us “ok lets make the trade” I whispered loudly with the enemy squad leader smiling in excitement “what was I thinking letting myself go to the enemy team but what I have an idea” I whispered to myself “No Ethan don't do it” yelled our squad leader “No I have to for your freedom” I said “ But at a point I will turn on them” I whispered to our squad leader “Ok bye Wisconsin’s” said the enemy squad leader.


10 minutes later me and the enemy team started heading toward the pond to set up, but I was always aiming my gun at the enemy leader.” Hey Co-Leader is that you” said our lieutenant hiding in the bushes behind me “ya its me” I said as I turned around to see him “The leader took out there 2 rookies now you just have to take out the leader” so I took my shot and guess what, I hit him “we won” I whispered “we won” I yelled “We won we won” our leader and the lieutenant said together. So when we won we started running for the stands and grabbed the trophy and we heard all the people yelling and cheering “We won” I said “We won”. “wow I can't believe it, we won but I was sucking until I took that final shot wow, I cant wait to brag about how we won the championship and how I took the game winning shot at school.

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