Kyles story | Teen Ink

Kyles story

November 18, 2014
By smh20 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
smh20 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Kyle was never worried about going to the doctors. In fact he liked walking in and seeing the receptionist and taking a small creamy butterscotch candy off her desk.
“Kyle” said the medical assistant
          “Lets go back and weigh you.”
          So they went back and weighed him and then waited for the doctor.
          “Hello Kyle.” said Dr.Finkelstein
          “Hello.” Kyle said.
          “How are you today?”
“Thats good. you are going to have to get a shot and some blood
drawn today.”
           Dr. Finkelstein took a nettle and stuck it into kyles upper arm.
           “OWWWEE!” yelled Kyle.
           Then Dr. Finkelstein took another nettel and stuck it into his mid arm and drew the blood.
           Dr. Finkelstein called Mr. and Mrs. Dollen.
           “Hello Mr. and Mrs. Dollen, I have gotten the results for the blood sample your son Kyle had taken. I need you to schedule an appointment right away.”
            “Okay is everything okay.” asked Mrs. Dollen nervously.
            “I’m afraid not.” said Mr. Finkelstein quietly.
            “ Oh no! do you think we could schedule an appointment for tomorrow afternoon?” asked Mrs. Dollen.
            “Yes that works out perfect.”
            “Okay thank you. see you soon.”
  “You to. Bye.” said Dr. Finkelstein
   The next day came right around the corner.
   “Kyle” yelled his mom.
   “What.” yelled Kyle.
   “We need to go back to the doctors.”
   “Well we don’t really know why yet, but Dr. Finkelstein is going to let us know and told us that you need to come along to hear what he has to say.”
   “Okay let me get my stuff.”
   “Hurry up it’s 11:30 and it takes 15 minutes to get there and your appointment is at 12:00.”
“I’m coming, I’m coming.” yelled Kyle.
Kyle had been diagnosed with cancer. His mom and dad were really upset and didn’t know how to tell Kyle that he had cancer.
   But Kyle had to find out somehow so his parents just told him. They sat down in the living room and told him.
Kyle thought his parents were just saying that to scare him, but they weren't joking.
Kyle was sort of upset, but he didn't write that thing get in his way he always told himself that
"I won't let on thing get in my way."
     He told his best friend Caleb and then things turned from good all the way to bad.  Caleb decided to tell three other people that Kyle had cancer. Those three people told more people and more people and more people found out.  Kyle didn't know until Caleb asked him how everybody knew that he had cancer. Kyle told Caleb that he was the only person that he told.  Kyle was confused, so a week later, Caleb decided to tell Kyle that he had told three people and those three people had told a lot of people.
     Kyle was disappointed with Caleb and they did not talk for a whole month.  He was also embarrassed that everybody knew, but it's just the that he didn't let any of that I get in his way he just was at school to learn and to get good grades not to let people take him down for something bad he has. One month later, Kyle was feeling bad pains in his lower stomach and in his head so his parents took him to the hospital and the doctor told him that he needed to stay at the hospital for a while just so they knew he was better.  On that day he was put on the heart machine and it was beeping the average beeps it Was supposed to.
     But just said rate when Kyle's parents left to get him some food Kyle's heart monitor started to be very, very fast and then just stopped.  He was laying there dead for five whole minutes and then his parents came in and thought he just fell asleep but then they realize that the manager wasn't beeping and they called for a nurse right away.
     The nurse rushed into the room and tried to get him back alive but just couldn't.  Kyle passed away.  So Kyle's funeral was two weeks after that day not all but most of the his family and friends came and most of them were very upset. I think his parents were upset the most but they are trying to remember all the good things about Kyle.

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