They Always Win | Teen Ink

They Always Win

January 14, 2015
By Begunset BRONZE, Bronx, New York
Begunset BRONZE, Bronx, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The boy runs. He runs, not caring about his surroundings. He runs and runs and soon feels he can fly. When the feeling reaches its peak, he leaps into the air in dramatic fashion. Suspended by nothing above all, the boy truly believes he flies. Those standing nearby stop their daily rituals to stare in awe at the boy's incredible feat; a feat so incredible that the hairs of those around the boy stood up on their own to watch the inexplicable event. The boy breathes in the cold air, let's it fills his lungs, and embraces all the nutrients it offers. Then, from out of nowhere, an entity moving at a speed undetectable to human eyes strikes the boy in the chest and vanishes. The boy, disturbed by presence of this being, spins in the air and has no control over where he goes. Those that once watched in amazement now return to their rituals and act unaffected by the incident. The boy begins to fall at a steady pace. He tries to go up, but the force bringing him down is mightier than his efforts. "Did you clean your room, hmm?" The question echoes and vibrates throughtout the sky. The feelings of unhappiness, hopelessness, and fear soon disease the boy's mind. He starts to question the being's motives and whether or not he is as able as he thinks he is. The boy hits the ground, bangs his head against the concrete, and begins to bleed out of the cracks and dents. All goes black. "So you didn't clean your room then. Little S***."

The author's comments:

Ranting about them in front of them is a death wish. Writing something short about them, on the other hand, is a safer alternative.

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