Too Far | Teen Ink

Too Far

January 13, 2015
By Kaitsunoriginal BRONZE, Scotch Plains, New Jersey
Kaitsunoriginal BRONZE, Scotch Plains, New Jersey
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Dancey pop music blared throughout the entire house. In the dim lighting hundreds of kids crowded into every space of the house like a colony of ants. Some dancing to the deafening music, others stood in the corners smoking, couples were spread throughout the chaos sucking their significant others face’s off, and of course almost every teen had a drink in hand. In the middle of it all stood Carlie Jenson, like a queen amongst her peasants. Wearing a short sequin dress, three inch heels and an angry smirk that said I’m much too hot for you, she stood watching her peers.Spotting an irregularity among the crowd Carlie focused her attention on Krista Anderson. Wearing ripped jeans, and a boring black sweater she stood out like a sore thumb. But as much at Carlie didn’t like it she could not deny that Krista was beautiful.

Just when Carlie had decided Krista wasn’t worth her attention, Carlie’s ex-boyfriend Marco Sanchez greeted Krista with a red solo cup undoubtedly filled with beer.The sharp sting of jealousy ached in the pit of her stomach. But she quickly gathered herself and formulated a plan of attack. She turned to one of the corners and with one wave of her hand the party’s resident pot head, Jack Peters was by her side. “Do you see Krista over there?” Carlie pointed out the giggling brunette, “I want you to embarrass her, get her drunk or whatever, just keep her away from Marco.” Jack nodded with a sly grin and swaggered over to Krista.

Carlie smiled proudly as she watched Jack shooed Marco away from  Krista, but her smile quickly melted into a look of confusion. As Krista turned to say goodbye to Marco, Jack quietly dropped something into her drink. Carlie stared blankly at him for a second, but then it clicked into place and Carlie’s confusion transformed into white hot rage.The sound of Carlie’s heels echoed in her ears as she ran towards the couple. Her vision became tunneled, the music becoming nothing more than white noise. Finally reaching the two she slapped the drugged beer out of Kristas hand, causing it to spill all over Jack. Grateful for the amount of rings she had placed on this morning, Carlie raised her hand and slapped Jack across the face, leaving a bright red hand print on his face. The music had stopped and a crowd had grown around the three.

Jack held his face in his hands, anger bellowed in his voice, “What the hell is your problem?”

“I wanted you to mess with her not rape her you bastard!” Carlie turned her back on Jack. She looked at the crowd with a cold stare, “What are you all looking at?” No one moved for what seemed like an eternity, until finally Carlie worked up the courage to look at Krista.

Krista had stood in the background slightly swaying in place, completely silent with either shock, rage, confusion, or perhaps all three. Carlie awkwardly walked over her and place and arm under her to help steady the drunk girl and lead her outside. They stumbled to a silver Toyota and sat in the car, Carlie stared at the wheel for in silence for a moment then spoke to Krista, “I’m going to drive you home, where do you live?”
There was a moment of silence, “Why, why’d you ask him to do that?” Carlie looked up at Krista and opened her mouth. She tried to answer but all her words turned to sobs, and mascara ran down her face. The entire time Krista held a sympathetic arm around her shoulders. When Carlie finally stopped, she whispered “I’m sorry, I never meant for it to go so far.”

Krista nodded, but didn’t say anything else.

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