Wrong turn, right turn | Teen Ink

Wrong turn, right turn

February 10, 2015
By Anaili Duarte BRONZE, Arlington, Texas
Anaili Duarte BRONZE, Arlington, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

 Awakened by the high-pitched mumbles and the sound of my owner slapping her hands against her thighs is a routine I know by heart, meaning it was time for me to go outside. Without hesitation, I raced to the front door getting there before my owner does, leaving me with excitement. While waiting on, the girl they call, Anna I tried to signal her to hurry by wagging my tail and jumping constantly against the door.
As soon as she had opened the door I was already halfway down the lawn until, I felt the need to stop and look over to my left. I could strongly smell the freshly mowed lawn, but I got the slightest hint of something irresistible. Before I knew it my legs were already in motion, following the appetizing smell almost as though I were floating toward it. I could feel the left over water droplets being absorbed into my coat, while guiding my way through the neighbor’s stubbly grass.
The sun was beginning to set making the blue sky fade away transforming it into a shiny orange heaven, which could have been mistaken for gold. The sent seemed to go on for quite a trip, before I could make it to the stop sign I could hear my name being called out, by Anna in a roar, “Gina! Come back here!” My natural instinct was to turn around and sit on the pavement. She came closer to me stomping her feet to where you could feel the “thuds” vibration. I could tell from her expression that she was enraged, I just hoped that she didn’t find the little surprise I left on the kitchen floor.
I couldn’t take the chance of getting punished right now, I was so close to something delicious. I sprung up quickly and sprinted down the street, passing the stop sign I took a left turn then ran down that street taking another turn and again and again until I felt a good distance away from her.
Breathing heavily, with my tongue nearly dragging on the floor, I started to realize that I was far from home and the smell was growing weaker. There was less of that sweet smell, just the strong sent of cats near the area, but then again there was something else in the air. I could feel something familiar about this street, I couldn’t quite put my finger on it but I knew I couldn’t have strayed too far from home I only took a few turns.
Turning around following the way I had come from was confusing nothing I had past the first time looked the same, everything looked new to me. The lawns I had ran through were short and stubbly, but now they were taller than I remember and dry. Everything was wrong but yet felt so dear to me, like I had seen all of this before.
I slowly peaked around the corner of the street, sniffing the gum covered cement, picking up a sent that was like no other; yes, I had found the trail of the intoxicating aroma. At an instant my pupils dilated, and the wind was starting to breeze through my curly brown fur. I followed the smell instantly, I was not going to let it escape from me again.
I was led down the block to an enormous house, settled behind a monstrous black gate with pink cherry blossoms and vines, as green as an emerald, cloaked around the gate. The gaps between the steel bars were just big enough for me to slip right though. The front yard was beautiful with rose bushes on the side of the stairs. With the sent getting stronger I could smell it coming from the back of the house. Coming around the corner I could hear children laughing and music playing in the background.
When I was finally in the back yard I could see couples dancing in the sunset, the women in colorful dresses and the men in tuxedos and suits. In the center there was a gorgeous woman in a white dress being spun by a man in a white suit.
I was picked up by a person I was being held tight with the air being knocked out of me, I knew it was Anna. She sat me down with tears running down her face, dripping onto my face. After a while of rubbing my belly, a tall man in a black suit brought us a plate. The plate was filled with the delightful smell I had been sniffing all day. With my head tilted and my mouth drooling Anna couldn’t resist me, so she threw a couple pieces of food at me. For the first time I have eaten meat, this tangy deliciousness will be in my mind forever.
By the end of the night my tummy was full of meat, and I could not even stand on my legs. I spent the entire night being carried around by my owner, even though I did not mind. I was treated like a queen.

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