Soccer Dreams | Teen Ink

Soccer Dreams

February 9, 2015
By sioomara BRONZE, Arlington, Texas
sioomara BRONZE, Arlington, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

My whole life I’ve been waiting for the day to play my last year of high school soccer. As a seventeen year old soccer player, that’s a dream come true. Having scouts come watch you play the last game that would determine if I made it and a full scholarship. Getting A’s and B’s was a challenge for me considering my grades look like the weather in the fall, but never failing; a soccer scholarship is my only shot.
“Giovanni, you bringing us a win tonight?” my coach said smiling at me.
“I’ll try my best coach” I replied while putting my cleats on, “We’re going to miss you next year, son.” He said with a sad smile as he walked out of the locker room. I’m ready. 
We walked out onto the field I noticed my girlfriend and my family sitting in the stands while my dad and brother talking to the scouts. “There he is.” My dad called me over to talk to him. “Hello, sir” we shook hands and the game was just about to start. “Good luck” they all said as I walked towards my girlfriend that came down to give me a hug and a kiss right before the game just like she always does. “Good luck. You’ve been wanting this moment and now you have it. Be careful” and she hugged me once more and walked up to her seat again.
I got into my position and waited for the referee to blow the whistle. Its time. I looked too my left waiting for the ball. I kicked the ball across the field to another team mate. My foot turns getting ready to kick it across the field, while number eighty-eight comes up my blind spot and steps on my ankle while my foot turned to kick the ball. I felt as if my ankle was cut open and someone poured lemon juice, salt, while rubbing sandpaper on it. The pain would not stop and I could feel the bone splitting. He walked up to me slowly and says “Sorry, G” he lowers his voice now “the scholarship is mine”.

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