The Boy Next Door | Teen Ink

The Boy Next Door

February 25, 2015
By wemifur BRONZE, New Haven, Connecticut
wemifur BRONZE, New Haven, Connecticut
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

"Where are you going, honey?"
"Um, I have a date, Mom," he said.
"Oh, how lovely! Who's the lucky girl?"
"Uh, just someone from school."
"Well, I hope you have fun, dear."
He paused, taking a deep breath.
"Mom - you know I love you, right?"
"Love you too, dear. Anything wrong?"
"Nope. Everything is just fine." He said, walking out the door.

He headed downtown with his hands in his pockets. He knew he had to keep the relationship secret; she was from the bad crowd. If they were seen together, it would be social suicide. But she was unlike any other girl he had been with - dangerously calm, fleetingly loyal. She was a live wire without filters or boundaries. One second, she would violently explode; the next, she would quietly let out a puff of cigarette smoke, dusting off her hands, mischief managed. The illicit hours they spent together, trading secrets between intertwined fingers, made his head spin. They had gone out twice thus far, always at the same place in the woods, but nothing happened; he was too nervous. Next time, he would tell himself. Next time, it'll happen. Today was the big day.

He passed the school and took a shortcut through the football field. Every Friday night, under the bright lights and a starry sky, the entire school had cheered for him in the bleachers. He and Brian were co-captains, as they had planned to be since grade school. You could have mistaken the two for twins - they had identical gelled hairstyles and wicked senses of humor. He remembered the jokes they shared and the parties they went to and the girls they talked about. Brian didn't play with him anymore.

He crossed the field to a cul-de-sac neighborhood. The street was lined with Tudor homes and professionally landscaped lawns. He stopped at Brian's house and left an unlabeled envelope on the doorstep. A Polaroid picture was inside, the one from Luke's party. Arm in arm, they sported red Solo cups and goofy smiles. The best times were when it was just he and Brian, alone in a room upstairs. There was no drug stronger than his lips. Brian didn't go with him to parties anymore.


He hopped a fence and walked through the abandoned lot. Last week, the party had ended. He remembered the look on Brian's face after he told the team. About us, he thought.

Brian’s eyes were wide as he looked helplessly at all of his teammates.    
“What kind of sick s*** are you talking about, man?”

“Kid just needs more beer. This house is dry.” Luke said. “Let’s go for a drive.”

The whole team piled into the cars to head to Happy Harry’s. But after they passed Crescent Drive, they didn’t turn left onto Dixwell. Instead, they pulled into the empty lot and filed out. Luke shoved him to the center as they surrounded him. Before he knew it, he had hit the ground and couldn't see. Blow after blow rained on him. He had called out Brian's name, but he knew that Brian was part of the blur of arms and legs that towered above. He stopped screaming when he no longer had feeling below his neck. His eyes were too swollen to watch them drive away. As he kept walking, he noticed that the bloodstain on the ground had washed away in the rain. Brian didn't even look at him anymore.

She was waiting by the tree where they always met. He sat down next to her, picking her up and weighing her in his hands. She was heavier than expected, but glossy, like the ones in the movies. He tried to calm his rapid breathing as he admired her luster, running a hand across her smooth edges. He drew a deep breath and took one last look up, drinking in the blue sky and the trees, discolored leaves spattered amongst the branches. Brian would have loved to see this place, he thought. Blankly turning his attention back to her, he brought her lips to his head, savoring the cold, sweet kiss on his temple. He closed his eyes and smiled. Yep. Everything is just fine, he thought, squeezing her grip as he held on for dear life. And then he pulled the trigger.

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