My Sister the Superhero | Teen Ink

My Sister the Superhero

April 5, 2015
By Sergio_Sagastume SILVER, Orlando, Florida
Sergio_Sagastume SILVER, Orlando, Florida
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Never knowingly be serious."
-11th Doctor

My Sister the Superhero
Hi! My name is Minho Hawkins, I am eight years old and I'm the luckiest boy in the world! You might not think so though, I don't have a lot of friends and a lot of people see me and sometimes they laugh at me because my glasses are big or because my voice is funny or because all my clothes are dirty. Mom calls them "hand downs" but people call me poor. But it doesn't bother me... I don't need friends because I have my sister. And don't tell anyone. But I know her secret! She's a superhero! How do I know? I've seen her myself! A few days ago I woke up at night to go to the bathroom but I saw her already in there. Julia, my sister, was putting on her gooey make-up all over herself, I couldn't even see her real face! I just hid and watched her leave the house in a costume! She was wearing a black suit just like Catwoman! I ran back to my room and looked through my comic books. I was so happy, my sister was a real Batman and she was out there fighting all the bullies and bad guys.
I'm scared for Julia. I was on the bus today when these big kids told me they saw her "working" last night, they just laughed, if they know her secret identity then that means she's in trouble. I hope she's okay.
Mom and Julia were fighting today. I could hear them from my room yelling at each other. I guess Mom found out her secret. I was so so mad at mom, didn't she know that Julia was brave? She went out every night and always came back happy to see me and I was always so happy to see her, she made me feel safe. But they kept fighting, I couldn't hear everything but I heard some parts. "'s my body mom! We need the money!" Said Julia. "This isn't how I raised you Julia!" Yelled back mom. Was she crying? " can't stop me..." It got really quiet after that...I just laid in my bed...still quiet. That's when I heard them crying. I just went to sleep. I was scared.
[no entry]
[no entry]
Julia is still gone. She left after the fight with mom. She never did say bye and mom is still crying. I'm just sad, but I know why she left... everyone knows superheroes have to keep their secrets. She just wanted to keep me safe! Like always...she always kept me safe. I know that with great power comes great 'sponsbility. But I miss her. Mom won't talk about her she just cries. But she never talked about Dad either, so maybe Dad and Julia are together! I hope so. Even though she's gone I still love my sister. I hope one day I can be just like her, but this time I'll keep mom safe and I'll be brave. People won't laugh at my big glasses or my funny voice or my "hand downs"... I'll be just like Julia! My sister. The superhero.

The author's comments:

In this story a young boy named Minho is trying to understand why his sister goes out at night and why she does not come home after a fight with their mother. Minho writes in his journal his understanding as to why his sister is a "superhero". I was inspired to write this after viewing a documentary about underprivaleged families and imagined what it would be like to view this world from the eyes of a young child and not being able to fully understand the world around him.

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