10-11-12 | Teen Ink


April 15, 2015
By Anonymous

It was a Monday. The date was October 8, 2012. My pop pop had been suffering with cancer for a while now. Finally he was transferred into hospice. My mom, dad and sister were going to visit him along with my aunts and uncles. My parents said that I didn’t have to come with them, but part of me wanted to. When we arrived, I greeted my family with hugs as most of them were crying, especially my grandma. At the time I was only thirteen years old and I felt scared and trapped. There was an even bigger problem that was making me sick. I had to lave for the eighth grade field trip to frost valley early the next morning until Friday. My mom said that I did not have to go if I didn’t want to but it would probably get my mind off of it and if she had to come get me she would. I decided to go so I left my pop pop that night and went home to finish packing. We left at 5:00 a.m and I started crying as my mom dropped me off at the middle school because I was scared that I had made the wrong decision. My mom came in with me and told the middle school principal what was going on and that she might have to come pick me up if anything happened. She said that was fine and she kissed me goodbye and told me not to worry and to have fun. Of course what do you think I did? ... I worried. During the days while we were playing games and activities, I was okay but when I was laying in the bunk bed at night, staring at the wooden beams across the ceiling, I worried. I worried for my family and how sad they are right now and that I had no clue what was going on at home. I had talked to my mom on Thursday after dinner and she said that was everything was fine and she will see me tomorrow when I get home. I spent the bus ride home finishing up my lanyards and talking with my friends. I couldn’t wait any longer to get home. Finally we pulled into the middle school parking lot. I spotted my mom waiting in the parking lot. I grabbed my suitcase and got in the car. We spent our three minute car ride talking about how frost valley was. We pulled into my driveway and I walked in behind my mom. She started crying and gave me a giant hug once I noticed that our dining room table was filled with pictures and posters scattered everywhere of my pop pop. I cried into her shoulder as she said, “ He passed away yesterday, on October 11th.” That date was 10-11-12.

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