White | Teen Ink


May 1, 2015
By Hailey Craig BRONZE, Menahga, Minnesota
Hailey Craig BRONZE, Menahga, Minnesota
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The white brushed my face from all directions as my worn out high-heeled boots squeaked against the pavement as they met the snow. The white suffocated you, surrounded you, and took you in. The one night I was forced to walk home from work, New York was seeing the biggest snowstorm of the year. Visibility was low, low enough that I could hardly see my hand in front of my face. Snow piled down upon cars, buildings, everything except for a warm apartment building that I wish I was in right now. The temperature bit at my skin and seeped into my body, flooding my lungs and my throat.
     My already shaky hands were stuffed firmly in my wool coat pockets trying to capture warmth from the slightly itchy fabric. The feeling in my legs and arms was long lost. I knew at this point I only had a few blocks to go since I've been walking for a while now. I was walking past a dark, narrow alley that looked somewhat faded from the continuous snowing. I started walking under an awning as I decided to stop to get a hot drink to cure my already frozen body. Subtly under the clacking of my boots I heard a raspy grumble come from the alley I just passed. I stopped my walking and strained my ears.
     I slowly swiveled my head towards the direction of the sound. The barely audible grumble came to my ears again. This time louder, not by much, but more distinct. I decided- against my better judgment, to walk into the shady looking alley. I stared down the daunting aisle of what seemed like just snow. I dragged my feet through the wet mush and attempted to see clearer through the darkness. And in this moment it’s almost like I could hear the Mission Impossible theme song. I tried to stay as still as possible to catch any noises, but I decided it was nothing worth my searching and whipped back around out the alley. 
     My body paused and even in the freezing wind, I stayed paused. I went back into the alley and followed the sound. I couldn't stand to even listen for sounds anymore, with my heart beating loudly, flooding through my senses. I reluctantly shook my hand out of my pocket to search my purse for my phone. Once I found the cold metal I shined the glow of the screen down the alley. A dark crouched over figure appeared before my eyes. It was a man. He was shaking, shaking hard. His head slowly moved up and their pupils shown in the darkness like stars, piercing my vision.
     I threw myself forward, towards his body and instinctively threw my arm around his shaking shoulders. I was lost for words so I attempted to warm him up, by trying to send him any sort of body heat. I felt the ice and snow from his coat seep through the fabric on my coat. The sound of his teeth chattering together is the only sound I could hear in the silent night.
I tried to remember any sort of tactics or survival skills that I have learned in the past, but I came up short. I whipped my cold cell phone out of my pocket and dialed 911. I never thought I would be in this situation and panic was slowly filling my body. I smoothly went through the conversation with the 911 operator and they told me they would be here as soon as possible.
“W-wait. No, I..” He swallowed loudly and with a lot of effort. “ I don't have i-insurance. I cant, I cant-”
I cut him off my trying to whisper soothingly, but I think it came out more frantic.
“Shhh shhh don't worry about it, I got it, I got it.”
I think he either fell into a daze or didn't feel like arguing anymore because he stopped talking. Minutes later I heard the familiar sound of sirens on an ambulance and saw the flashing lights dance around the brick walls as the car pulled up. I began to stand up and use all of my strength to put his weight on me. Both my arms wrapped around his torso and he slowly started to rise from the wet tar. As soon as I started walking towards the light, he stopped me. I looked at him confusedly.
“No, no please. I-I don't want to, I can't.”
“It will be fine, I promise. I will cover everything, they just want to help you. Please.”
He once again tried to swallow and looked down at his threadbare clothes. He licked his dry blue toned lips.
“O-o-okay. Please just let me gather my things.”
I glanced back out the exit and contemplated. I knew that they could probably wait a second.
“Okay. Um but let's hurry.”
He continued to lean on me and I struggled to help him walk towards his destination. I didn't know where we were headed, but he continued to lead me into the darkness. I continued to walk, but he stopped me in front of a brown metal door.
“What is-”
He stopped me as he grasped the metal handle and threw the door open. My heart collapsed into my stomach. There in front of me was a blur of black outfits and guns from all directions pointing at me. I stole a glance at the “homeless” man, who was now pointing a daunting black gun at me.
“Put your hands in the air where I can see them!”
The color fell out of my face and the money stuffed inside my bag suddenly felt a lot heavier. I had been caught.                                           

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