Drugs | Teen Ink


May 14, 2015
By taylor bradt BRONZE, Stockton, Missouri
taylor bradt BRONZE, Stockton, Missouri
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

You can find drugs everywhere you may think every one doing them, but you need to know that not all drugs are bad for you. Looking at the facts about drugs can help you see the risk you may be escaping or excitement.

Drugs that you may want to know about.
There are thousands of drugs out in the world but there are certain ones that help people then killing them. Here are some antibiotics and vaccines will revolutionized treatment of infections, most doctors will proscribe you some to. Medicines can help you lower blood pressure diabetes etc. Reduce the body that rejects ion of new organs drug also change how our body works. Often by swallowing, inhaling or injecting them they will find a way into your bloodstream and are transported to the part it needs it most at, such as your brain. It also may dull your senses. After it sense the alertness it will sometimes decrease physical pain. Remember drugs can also be helpful and very danger to your body. I can very depend on what kind of drug you taken. How often is it use, how quickly does it get to your brain. Some drugs that you take may need to be with food or with out food. 

The author's comments:

This is an essay that will tell you the difference between good drugs and bad drugs. I hope this will interest you and open some peoples eyes to know whats out there for them to take. Hope you enjoy reading this. I feel like my work may be a fit with your publication.

I am a high school student at Stockton Mo. I am 16 years old, I am a sophomore. I took a class of creative writing. I like to write about what goes on in life that people should know about. I have written this essay because I had some friends that didn’t know the different between bad and good drugs. I have opened some eyes to them. I hope this will work to other people that will see the different also. I hope you will take your time and look over and publish it.

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