Desire to be Youthful | Teen Ink

Desire to be Youthful

May 14, 2015
By Julia Deutsch BRONZE, Southport, Connecticut
Julia Deutsch BRONZE, Southport, Connecticut
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Hey remember the time when we would countdown the days until summer on the island.
41.1697° N, 71.5800° W.
Hey remember that time when we would go to the white sand beach on ocean view drive everyday.
Hey remember the time when we would eat watermelon
While getting it all over our faces and seeing who could spit the farthest seed.

Hey remember that time when we would go out on sailboats with the multicolored sails.
Hey remember that time when we would switch bathing suits under the water.
I knew your favorite was my black and white polka dot so I made a point of wearing it.
Hey remember the time when we would not put on sunscreen
And that was the most rebellious stunt we pulled all summer.

Hey remember that time when we would have sleepovers every night.
Hey remember that time when we would watch R-rated horror movies
But not tell our parents because we could picture the look of disapproval on their faces.

Hey remember that time when we all got our first jobs
And had to manage our own schedules.
Hey remember that time we almost got fired
Because we cared more about finding out what the boys were doing later
Then getting a glass of lemonade with extra ice for table five now.

Hey remember that time you told your boyfriend that you loved him
Hey remember that time when he broke your heart.
He said he was with his family when he was really with her.
Hey remember that one summer that you started to go a little crazy
And I had to constantly remind you of your family’s history with alcohol.
Hey remember that one time you were taken out with the wrong crowd.

Hey remember that time we had a bonfire at the bluffs
Hey remember that time when you said you only had one beer
Hey remember that time you took a turn too wide
Hey remember that time I almost lost you.

Well on the helicopter to the mainland hospital,
All I could think about was you opening your eyes
And going out to sail with me one more time.

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on May. 19 2015 at 11:06 pm
NOIZTHIMS GOLD, South Jordan, Utah
15 articles 0 photos 51 comments

Favorite Quote:
"If your eyes could speak, what... what would they say?" -Max (from "The Book Thief")

wow. I'm blown away.