Back to Life | Teen Ink

Back to Life

May 15, 2015
By Anonymous

Back to Life

I am sitting at my desk  and think  to myself what should I write my essay about.  It is due tomorrow. Then my phone starts buzzing. I see my mom’s name pop up on the screen. I pick up my phone. My mom’s voice is shaky.
“Carly” she says crying into the phone. “Mom what's wrong.” I say starting to worry.
“Carter is dead.” My heart drops and I am now on the ground crying. Jude comes running in.
“Are you ok.” The words echo through my head.


I walk through the big hospital doors. I am regretting this already. I walk up to the front desk.
“Name and who are you visiting,” the lady at the front desk asks handing a clipboard at me.
“Carly….. Carly Ross. I am visiting Carter Smith.” I fill out the clipboard and hand it back to the lady. Then the lady gestures to where Carter’s room is. I walk into the room. He has a collapsed lung, three broken ribs and is in a coma. His breathing is unsteady. I pick up his hand.
“You are the strongest person. I don’t know what I would do without you.” A salty river runs down my face. “ You need to wake up I can’t live without.” Carter laid there motionless. Carter’s breathing goes flatter and flatter. What is happening, the words will not come out. Doctors and nurses rush in and take him. The bed is pulled out of the room and into the hall. I can’t move my feet. “Carter is going to be alright.” Carter’s mom, Mrs. Smith’s cold hands touched my arm.
Morning is final here. I feel Carter’s brother Isaac stands in front of me. “Carter is in his room if you want to go see him. He is doing pretty well for just getting lung surgery.” Isaac puts out his hand and I take it. I walk into Carter’s room to see him connected to all of these machines. I take his hand in mine. Carter's eyes open.
“What happened, all I remember is that I was on my way to your house.” Carter’s voice flows through my head.
“You got hit by a car and you went into a coma for four days.  You have a new lung and three broken ribs.” I take a breath. “ You went through a lot. I don’t know how you did it.”  I try to get out all the words. “ I should probably let you sleep so I am going to go see you tomorrow. Feel better.” I walk out of the room, say goodbye to Isaac and walk to my car. I open the car door and then everything went black.

“Dad what are you doing here. I thought I would never see you again.” I say hugging him with all of my might.
“I came to take you with me. I have not seen you in so long. I thought you would want to live with me.”
I can’t believe he came back. I don’t think Mom will be so happy. She just got married.
“How is your mother doing.”
I take a deep breath and then say, “Mom had another baby and got married she was so upset you left when I was 8. I don’t think she wants to see you again.” I take my backpack and run inside I can’t let mom see him.

“Carly, Carly, are you alright. I just went to get something out of my car and I saw you laying on the ground.” Mrs. Smith says. I sit up and my head starts to pound.
“Yeah my head just got hit by the door but I am alright.” The dream still rolling through my head. “Do you know... nevermind.” I can’t stop thinking about my Dad. I need to get home.
“I am going to go now but I will be back tomorrow.” I say as Mrs.Smith helps me up. I start up the car and start to head home while I am on my way home Isaac calls me.
“Hey are you okay? My Mom told me what happened.” Isaac says.
“I’m fine but I had this really weird dream about my Dad.” I tell him.  “He came home and I was really scared that my Mom and stepdad would see him. Isaac do you know if my Dad came home.” I am scared for the truth. If my Dad is home than I will not go home. I can’t see him. I don’t want to see him.  Isaac doesn’t answer my questions.
Instead Issac says “I have some bad news Carter is getting worse.  They don’t think he is going to make it.” I hear Isaac choking back the tears. This is the worst news ever. I love Carter, he has been with me all of my life. I tell Isaac that I have to go. When I get home I go upstairs to my parent’s room.
“Mom I need to talk to you.” I don’t know if I will be able to get the words out.
“What do you need honey.” My Mom says.
“Carter is not doing so well and…” the tears start to trickle down my face. “The doctor does not think he is going to make it.” I hug my Mom and start to cry harder. 
It is night now and I am going to head back to the hospital to see Carter. When I get to the hospital Isaac is waiting for me.
“How is Carter doing?” I ask. “ I need to see him.  I have school tomorrow so I can’t come after.” My heart starts to beat really fast.
“He is not so good.  You can see him I will come with you.” Isaac says trying to comfort me. We start to walk to Carter’s room and I think to myself this could be the last time I see Carter again. When we get in the room Carter is laying there breathing unsteady. I walk up to his bedside and hug him so hard I can barely breath. He takes my hand holding it tight and then he says, “I know this might be the last time we see each other but I hope you know I will always love you.” Carter says now out of breath.
“Carter I love you as a friend and a boyfriend. I am going to be lost without you but I know you will help guide me to the right people.” I stand up and kiss him. I have never felt this rush before. I know I will miss him. I leave Carter’s side.  Isaac walks me to the door and I am on my way back home.
  I go to school the next day. I can’t focus on anything but the fact that Carter needs me by his side and then…
“Hi I’m Carter I live down the street.”
“Meet my new baby brother Isaac.”
“You look beautiful.”
“Happy birthday Carly.”
“We look so weird.”
“Carly I love you.”
“This might be the last time we see each other.”
“I will always love you.”

  “Carly are you okay? Carly, Carly Carly.” I open my eyes. Jude is kneeling next to me. He gives me his hand and then Jude helps me up off the ground. “What’s wrong.” Jude says wanting an answer
“Carter is dead.”


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