An Image of Perfection | Teen Ink

An Image of Perfection

June 2, 2015
By nonsensical.casey SILVER, Garner, North Carolina
nonsensical.casey SILVER, Garner, North Carolina
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Favorite Quote:
But the heaviest things, I think, are the secrets. They can drown you if you let them.

Perfection; never to be created or destroyed. Perfect, has become a state of matter or being. Without the image of perfection, society has no existence. The current society that we have built and depend on are made only in the hopes of creating perfection. But perfection is just an image that exists but can never be proven.
She claimed that he was perfection. That he had no flaws. Deep down she knew that was the greatest lie. That people would always seem to be perfect. That on the outside they were always at a highest standard. The waves and ripples in life would never shatter their perfect existence. Yet he claimed that he was shattered and disastrous. That he was ruined and never to be wanted. Every second, every minute, every hour he doubted his purpose for living. She knew though that he was the best thing that she could ever have. He thought that he was a waste of space and time. She thought that he was the one that would bring her back to life. Shatter the empty void in her heart. A space that was only there so that she could love him. He would never give up. He would not kill himself or sacrifice the blood and tears he once did. He would not surrender to the evil that held captive this place that we have managed to create. She could only notice that he was hiding something. The man that she had thought was always perfect. That this image of perfection that she had managed to find was really a shattered mirror reflecting her own life. He never knew when or where he would find his purpose. Maybe it would be to help people, or lead people. Never destroy people. He never considered that his purpose would be to just love someone. She always felt like everything around him was best. He never thought that a girl would be his only hope at knowing his own perfection. She never knew that she would be the perfection in his shattered mirror. That is why they were brought together. They had to save each other. Each was destined for a different path, but they had to cross paths in order to find their own image of perfection.

The author's comments:

I had no idea what category this would belong in. I wrote this because I knew a lot of girls that were competing to meet certain guys' standards. It's most common to think that only girls will act that way, but guys can be very self councious also. I just wanted to say that everyone has some self image issues, even if millions of people think they're perfect. 

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