The Mystery | Teen Ink

The Mystery

May 19, 2015
By Anonymous

One day, I was walking my dog Tie-Dye; we named him that because he’s like that bright, colorful Superman ice cream you can buy at an ice cream shop.

When I got home my mom, dad, and my sister greeted me.
They all said "Hey Kayla."
I said "Hi guys" back.

Tie-Dye and I went to go play fetch.  Afterwards, I opened a fresh batch of dog snacks for Tie-Dye.  Tie-Dye ate his snack as fast as a roller coaster goes!
I got into my comfy bed and watched my all time favorite movie, Finding Nemo.  I was so tired; I slowly feel asleep watching the movie.

The next morning, I woke up and my sister, May, asked if I wanted to go down to the pool.  That was so much fun.  After we left the pool we stopped by our house to pick up Tie-Dye.  All the kids love him at the ice cream shop.  The manager always enjoyed him and he would give Tie-Die a free scoop of his favorite ice cream  . . . . Superman!

We drove home from the ice cream shop.  Parked the golf cart and went inside.  I went upstairs to my room, then suddenly I heard a scream, but when I looked out of my window it was just some kids playing.

My family yelled, "Come on Kayla."
"Coming," I said.

We were going to my cousin’s birthday party.  There was a lot of birthday cake for everyone to eat. I thought the cake tasted amazing.  It was decorated with so many colorful sprinkles, and it had a beautifully sweet strawberry filling in it.  I had a really good time at his birthday party; I always do when I’m with my cousins.

Later that day, we went back to the pool.  I rolled out the striped beach towels and put some sunscreen on.  I decided to go get a smoothie called "Tropical Monkey," for me and my sister.  It was a strawberry banana smoothie.  When I was walking back to the pool, I dropped both of our smoothies.  Glass shattered everywhere.  My sister was gone, nowhere to be found in my sight.  I turned the key and went as fast as I could in the golf cart. I drove around the entire neighborhood and still couldn't find her. I started to panic praying she was ok and also because my parents would freak out if something happened to May.

When I got home, my parents asked me where May was.
I had no choice but to tell my parents.  
My mom said, "Kayla where is your sister?" In a very angry tone.
"Umm, I have to tell you something," I said.
"Ok, come on Kayla, tell me now," my mom said.
"Mom, May is missing". . .
"How or why could you let this happen?" "Kayla call 911, we need to get help."

I told her "May went missing by the pool, I went to get us smoothies and when I came back she was gone, I'm sorry mom."
My mom asked if I noticed anyone suspicious at the pool and I told her "no."

We drove the car to the pool to ask Miss Shelly, the waiter, if maybe she saw anything.  My mom called my dad to tell him about the news.  We then drove to the news station and asked if they could announce this on the news.  They said we would have to go through the police department.  We go back to the house to wait for the police officer.  

I decided to go play with Tie-Dye at the dog park, we played fetch and of course he met some new friends.  I gave Tie-Dye and all of the other dogs a snack because they were all so good.  All of their owners said, "Thank you Kayla, we owe you one," in a happy voice.

We went home, watched a movie and of course it was Mays favorite movie, her movie we would always watch together and I never thought I would watch it without her. I really missed her.

The next day a girl came up to me.
"Hi, I'm Amber and I saw your announcement on the news."
"Oh really” I said in excitement.
"I think I saw her," Amber said.
"Are you serious?" I said.
"Um yes, these guys dropped her off by this river." She said.
"Which one!"
"The Swan River, by the park" She said.
"Thank you so much, you’re such a big help!" I gave her a hug and smiled.
I drove home on the golf cart to tell my mom and dad.
"Mom, mom, dad, dad!" I yelled
"What Kayla?", "What is it?" My dad said.
"I think I know where Kayla is!"
We jumped into the car and headed to Swan River State park.
I stepped out of the car, I saw footprints, and it was cold and rainy outside.
This led me to a mystery I thought.  I heard a voice, saying "Kayla, help me." Then I turned around, and saw my sister, May. I picked her up and started to cry.
"I've missed you so much," I said.
Then, my parents picked us up off of the ground and gave us a huge hug.  We welcomed her home, and  Tie-Dye was there to greet too.

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