New Beginnings | Teen Ink

New Beginnings

June 2, 2015
By Anonymous

“Melody, wake up.  It’s your first day of school.” my mom tells me while shaking me awake.  I open my eyes and look at her. 
“Do I have to go?” I asked groggily.
She gives me a stern look and says “Yes it’s a new school.  You could get a new start.”
“I’m not going to know anyone.  They’re all going to hate me!” I said pulling the blanket over my head.
“They won’t hate you!  You’re a music prodigy.  How could anybody hate you?” She asked while raising her voice.
“Okay, okay, no need to shout.” I said getting out of bed raising my hands in surrender. 
“Good.  Now get ready.” she said pointing at my closet.
I walked around everything to get to my closet.  By everything I mean all of my instruments and recording tools.  Last night I had been working on my music and didn’t put anything away.  I was taking my guitar to school today.  When I had to choose between band and choir I had chosen choir because I love to sing.  Yes I may play almost every instrument but I do sing.
I walked to my closet to pick out my clothes.  Once I got them on I walked over to my vanity and brushed my brown hair, long and wavy.  I was wearing denim shorts and a plain pink tee-shirt.  I paired it with some black Vans.  I went into my bathroom and put in my contacts which are clear because I like my eye color, a simple green.
“Melody let’s go!” I heard my mom shout from downstairs.
“I’m coming!” I yelled back.
I walked downstairs and saw her waiting with an impatient look plastered on her face. 
“What time does school start?” I asked her.
“7:30” she said simply.
I nodded and walked to the mudroom.
I picked up my backpack and we walked out to the car and left.  As we drove to the school it was already so bright.  My sunglasses rested upon the bridge of my nose.  My stomach was churning.  I was so nervous, nervous I wouldn’t have any friends, nervous that I would be hated by so many people.  We pulled up to the school and I said goodbye to my mom.  Walking slowly to the building I turned just in time to see my mom drive away.  Hands shaking, I pushed open the door to reveal shouting kids and paper planes being thrown left and right.  I found my locker and started putting my things in it.  SLAM!  I hear a locker close next to me.  I look to my right and see a girl with shoulder-length blonde hair which shined just like the sun.  She had chocolate brown eyes and had a slight tan.  She saw me looking and said,
“Hi!  I’m Ava!  You must be new I’ve never seen you here before.  Whats your name?”  She asked.
“Yeah I’m new.  My name is Melody.” I answered.
She looked at my schedule and said we had all of my classes together.  We walked into the first classroom which was Math.  We sat right next to each other in the front.
“So let’s tell each other about ourselves.” Ava said turning to me.
“Okay well my mom, dad and I moved here about 3 days ago from New York City when she got a job transfer.  I play instruments like the piano, ukelele....” about 2 minutes later I finished telling her about myself so it was her turn.
“Okay first, thats insane that you can play all of those instruments, second, my turn to tell you about me!” she said smiling.
“Okay so I’m in the choir and...” 1 minute later she was done. 
  I looked at the teacher, an old wrinkly women, as she glared at me for no reason.  Wow she hates me and I haven't even said a word.  I thought to myself. 
-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-Skip to when she is home_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_
  I told my mom all about my day at school and she was happy I had friends.  Ava introduced me to her other friends at lunch and we all instantly clicked.  It was now 9:00 and I had to go to bed.  I changed into my pajamas and got into bed.  My mom came in to say goodnight and she left. 
I woke up to my alarm blasting music and my mom shaking me telling me it has been going on for ten minutes.  Today was the second day at my new school and I couldn't wait.

The author's comments:

other books that ive read inspired me to write this piece

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